Acronym | Definition |
SSMA | Sql Server Migration Assistants |
SSMA | Spread Spectrum Multiple Access |
SSMA | Salud, Seguridad y Medio Ambiente (Spanish occupational safety program) |
SSMA | SQL Server Migration Assistant (Microsoft) |
SSMA | School Science and Mathematics Association |
SSMA | Soldiers', Sailors', Marines', Coast Guard and Airmen's Club (est. 1919; New York, NY) |
SSMA | Spread-Spectrum Multiple Access |
SSMA | Steel Stud Manufactures Association (Chicago, IL) |
SSMA | S S Marie Antoinette (artistic hub; Seattle, WA) |
SSMA | Southwest Spanish Mustang Association |
SSMA | Second Schweinfurt Memorial Association, Inc. |
SSMA | Synchronous Status Messages Algorithm (Alcatel) |
SSMA | So Sue Me Already |