Acronym | Definition |
TDC | Top Dead Center |
TDC | The Death Cure (fiction) |
TDC | Type Directors Club (New York, NY) |
TDC | Teradata Corporation (Dayton, OH) |
TDC | Trade Development Council (Hong Kong) |
TDC | Textes et Documents pour La Classe (French: Texts and Documents for Class) |
TDC | Tokyo Dental College (Japan) |
TDC | Transient Data Channel |
TDC | Twin Dual Cam |
TDC | Technology Development Center (various schools) |
TDC | Time-to-Digital Converter |
TDC | Total Direct Compensation |
TDC | Toronto-Dominion Centre (Canada) |
TDC | Tabular Data Control |
TDC | Tasman District Council (New Zealand) |
TDC | Transfer of Development Credits |
TDC | Texas Department of Corrections |
TDC | ThaiLIS Digital Collection (database) |
TDC | Tele Danmark Communications (Danish Telephone Company) |
TDC | Tele Danmark Communications (Danish telecommunication provider) |
TDC | Tunneled Dialysis Catheter |
TDC | Three Dimension Company (Chicago, IL) |
TDC | Total Development Cost |
TDC | Training and Development Committee (various locations) |
TDC | The Discovery Channel |
TDC | Training and Doctrine Command |
TDC | Transportation Development Centre (Canada) |
TDC | The Dark Circle |
TDC | Theater Deployable Communications |
TDC | Trading Disputes Committee (UK) |
TDC | Torpedo Data Computer |
TDC | Track Data Corporation (various locations) |
TDC | The Drilling Company (theater; New York) |
TDC | Third Degree Communications (California) |
TDC | Travel Document Checker |
TDC | Teale Data Center |
TDC | The Dark Carnival (gaming) |
TDC | Training Development Corporation |
TDC | The Diversity Council (various organizations) |
TDC | Trainee Detective Constable |
TDC | Thirty Day Challenge |
TDC | Tarif Douanier Commun (French: Common Customs Tariff) |
TDC | Texas Debate Collective (Lewisville, TX) |
TDC | The Driving Conditions (band) |
TDC | Theta Delta Chi (collegiate fraternity) |
TDC | Transparent Data Channel |
TDC | Theater Distribution Center |
TDC | Too Damn Cold |
TDC | Total Delivered Cost |
TDC | Transverse Duct Connector (duct flange connecting systems) |
TDC | Technical Data Center |
TDC | Team Dennis Conner (sailing) |
TDC | Training and Development Canada |
TDC | Tank Destroyer Center (US Navy) |
TDC | Tape Data Controller |
TDC | Teacher Development Centre |
TDC | Three-Year Degree Course |
TDC | Thy Data Center |
TDC | Team Discovery Channel |
TDC | The Daily Chorus (music website) |
TDC | Training Development Consultancy (UK) |
TDC | Threat, Duress and Coercion |
TDC | Tauranga District Council (Tauranga, New Zealand) |
TDC | Texas Dawah Convention |
TDC | The Detroit Cobras (band) |
TDC | Time Delay Compensation |
TDC | Technical Development Curriculum |
TDC | Target Data Computer |
TDC | Teacher Development Course |
TDC | Tufts Dance Collective |
TDC | Time Domain Corp. |
TDC | Test and Diagnostics Consortium (non-profit organization composed of T&D organizations across industries) |
TDC | Technical Data Card |
TDC | Time Domain Correlation |
TDC | The Dan Cossette (comedian) |
TDC | Targeted Design Constituent |
TDC | Technology Demonstration Center |
TDC | Time Dispersal Coding |
TDC | Training Development Capability |
TDC | Technical Directive Code |
TDC | The Death Company (gaming clan) |
TDC | Texaco Development Corporation |
TDC | Throttle Designator Controller |
TDC | Thermal Diffusion Coefficient |
TDC | Takla Development Corporation Ltd. |
TDC | Trident Data Center |
TDC | Time-Dependent Current |
TDC | Transition Document Change |
TDC | The Drinking Christians/Catholics (group) |
TDC | Technical Delivery Centre |
TDC | Tabata Dental Clinic (Japan) |
TDC | Technology Development Contractor |
TDC | Tambuyog Development Center, Inc. |
TDC | Technical Directive Change |
TDC | Total Diversity Concept |
TDC | Technical Document Coordinator |
TDC | Time Distance Calculator |
TDC | Tactical Data Coordinator |
TDC | Type Duty Code |
TDC | Testability-Dependency Count (software metric) |
TDC | Takachi Dental Clinic (Japan) |
TDC | Toy Design Competition (Singapore) |
TDC | Troop Data Collector |
TDC | Telemetry Decoder Core (US NASA) |
TDC | Tignor Dental Clinic |
TDC | Training Devices Center |
TDC | Total Distribution Control |