Acronym | Definition |
TDH | Texas Department of Health |
TDH | The Dear Hunter (band) |
TDH | Terre des Hommes (Swiss child relief foundation) |
TDH | Turbo Debugger Help |
TDH | Team Deadly Hertz |
TDH | Total Dynamic Head |
TDH | Tennessee Department of Health |
TDH | Tokyo Disneyland Hotel (Tokyo, Japan) |
TDH | Thermostable Direct Hemolysin (genetics) |
TDH | Tall Dark and Handsome |
TDH | Table D’ Hote (French: hosts table; menu ) |
TDH | The Deathly Hallow (Harry Potter) |
TDH | Tokyo Dome Hotel (Japan) |
TDH | Total Discharge Head |
TDH | Telephonics Dynamic Headphone (audiology) |
TDH | The Devil Himself (band) |
TDH | Total Developed Head |
TDH | Team Dark Heart (gaming clan) |
TDH | The Dented Helmet (Star Wars costuming website) |
TDH | Team Double Helix (gaming clan) |
TDH | The Dreadful Hours (My Dying Bride album) |
TDH | Too Damn Hot |
TDH | Time, Distance, and Heading |
TDH | Time-Dependent Hartree Theory |
TDH | Teaching Duty Hours |
TDH | Telecommunications Distribution Hub |
TDH | The Dirty Hordes (World of Warcraft guild) |
TDH | Takagami Design House (Portland, OR) |
TDH | Tie Dye Hero (band) |