TDITexas Department of Insurance
TDITotal Drama Island (animated reality TV show)
TDITemporary Disability Insurance
TDITurbo Direct Injection
TDITax(payer) Delinquency Investigation
TDITime Delay Integration
TDITechnology Development and Innovation
TDITissue Doppler Imaging
TDIThe Devil Inside (film)
TDITurbocharged Direct Injection (trademark of Volkswagen)
TDITolerable Daily Intake (contaminant intake limit)
TDIThe Development Initiative (various locations)
TDITear Down Inspection
TDITherapy Development Institute (Cambridge, MA)
TDITreatment Demand Indicator (drug addiction: various locations)
TDITest Data Input
TDITire Defect Indicator
TDITrade Data Interchange
TDITurbo Diesel Intercooler
TDITurbo Diesel Injection
TDITechnical Diving International
TDITime-Delay & Integration
TDITransport Driver Interface
TDITest Data In
TDITivoli Directory Integrator
TDITourism Development International (various locations)
TDITelecommunications for the Deaf, Inc.
TDIToluenediisocyanate (component of many polyurethanes)
TDITabbed Document Interface
TDITherapy Dogs International, Inc
TDITime Delay Interferometry
TDITransportation Displays, Inc. (est. 1993; New York)
TDITherapeutic Donor Insemination
TDITruck Driver Institute (Murfreesboro, TN)
TDIToyota Direct Ignition
TDITrusted Database Interpretation
TDITransport Data Interface
TDITransition Dyspnea Index
TDITropical Disease Initiative
TDITechnicolor Digital Intermediates
TDIThe Duller Image (webcomic)
TDITotal Degree of Influence (computer science)
TDITaiwan Display, Inc.
TDITactical Display Interface (US FEMA)
TDITriangle Digital INX (ink manufacturer; Schaumburg, IL)
TDITeam Dance Illinois (Geneva, IL)
TDITurbo Diesel Intercooled
TDITechnical Group of Independent Members
TDITarget Data Inventory
TDITechnical Data Interchange
TDITangerine Dream International (music label)
TDITelephone-Depth-Interviewing (market research methodology)
TDITraining Development Institute
TDIThe Darkness Inc (gaming clan)
TDITransmitted Data In
TDITransit Delay Indication
TDITamper Detection Indicator
TDITie Down Information (telecommunications)
TDITarget Doppler Indicator
TDIThai Dairy Industry Co. Ltd.
TDITechnological Development of Information-Processing Co., Ltd. (Japan)
TDITactical Deception Indication
TDITargeted Development Investment (finance; South Africa)
TDITime-Dependent Failure Intensity
TDITop Down Indicator
TDITacan Distance Indicator
TDITelephone Database Integration
TDITürkiye Denizcilik Isletmeleri A.S. (Turkish Maritime Organization, Turkey)