UTIUrinary Tract Infection
UTIUniversal Technical Institute
UTIUnidade de Terapia Intensiva (ICU in Portuguese)
UTIUnder the Influence
UTIUnit Trust of India (mutual fund)
UTIUnder the Impression (chat)
UTIUnified Theory of Information
UTIUniversal Transport Interface
UTIUniversal Transaction Identifier
UTIUniversal Text Interface
UTIUniversal Timing Interface
UTIUllage-Temperature-Interface (sensor)
UTIUnique Trade Identifier (International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc.)
UTIUniform Type Identifier (Apple Computers)
UTIUniversal Text Interchange
UTIUnified Testing Initiative (mobile applications; now AQuA)
UTIUnion Internationale des Télécommunications (French: International Telecommunication Union)
UTIUniversal Transport Interface (Cisco)
UTIUp the Irons (band)
UTIUnderground Technology, Inc.
UTIUnion Territory of India
UTIUnited Telecom Incorporated
UTIUser Test Instrumentation
UTIUpper Tactical Internet (battlefield communications network used by echelons from corps down to brigade)
UTIUnité de Transport International (French: International Transport Unit)
UTIUnder Trust Instrument