Acronym | Definition |
USPA | United States Parachute Association |
USPA | Undifferentiated Spondyloarthropathy (rheumatic disease) |
USPA | United States Polo Association |
USPA | United States Psychotronics Association |
USPA | United States Polka Association |
USPA | United States Pilots Association |
USPA | United States Permafrost Association |
USPA | United Steelworkers Press Association |
USPA | United States Patriot Act |
USPA | Ursuline School for the Performing Arts (Louisville, Kentucky) |
USPA | United States Public Adjusters |
USPA | University Surplus Property Association |
USPA | United States Poolplayers Association |
USPA | United States Poker Association |
USPA | Universal Studios Port Aventura (Theme Park Salou, Spain) |
USPA | Urban Studies and Public Administration (degree program) |
USPA | União Sindical Pan-Africana |
USPA | University School Parents' Association |
USPA | U-Slot Patch Antenna |
USPA | Uniformed Services Pay Act of 1981 |
USPA | Unidad Sectorial de Planificación Agríco |
USPA | United Somali Peace Alliance |
USPA | United States Patent Act |
USPA | United Security Professionals Association, Inc. (Concrete, WA) |
USPA | United States Pickleball Association |