Acronym | Definition |
SPICE | Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination (European software development model) |
SPICE | Stratospheric Particle Injection for Climate Engineering (geoengineering project; UK) |
SPICE | Scientific Personal Integrated Computing Environment |
SPICE | Simulation Program With Integrated Circuit Emphasis |
SPICE | Stanford Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education |
SPICE | Statewide Program for Infection Control and Epidemiology (North Carolina) |
SPICE | Society, Partners, Investors, Customers, Employees (business stakeholders) |
SPICE | Single Pass Inkjet Color Engine |
SPICE | Space Integrated Control Experiment |
SPICE | Society for Promotion of Indian Culture and Ethics |
SPICE | SPectral Imaging of Correlative Events (seismology software) |
SPICE | Situation, Problem, Investigation, Construction, Evaluation (engineering) |
SPICE | Scientific Parks and Innovation Centers Experts (Ukraine) |
SPICE | Stanford Program for Integrated Circuit Emulation |
SPICE | Sprint Intelligent Computing Environment |
SPICE | Small Portable Initial Communications Equipment (USAF) |
SPICE | Simulation of Polymorphic Interactome in Cancer Etiology (Toronto, Canada) |
SPICE | Smart Protocol for Internet Cellular Exchange |
SPICE | Smart, Precise-Impact and Cost-Effective Guidance Kits (munitions) |
SPICE | Social, Physical, Intellectual, Communication, Emotional (child development early learning goals) |