ALTAlternative (USENET newsgroup prefix)
ALTAssociation for Learning Technology
ALTAlanine Aminotransferase
ALTAlgorithmic Learning Theory (Conference)
ALTRadar Altimeter (SEASAT, GEOS-3)
ALTAdult Learning and Teaching (degree program)
ALTAssistant Language Teacher
ALTArgon Laser Trabeculoplasty
ALTAnalogue Loopback Transfer
ALTAutomated Loop Test
ALTAdaptive Lighting Technology
ALTAltoona Transportation Center (Amtrak station code; Altoona, PA)
ALTAlanine Amino Transferase (medical)
ALTAdvanced Learning Technologies
ALTAcquisition, Logistics, and Technology (US Army)
ALTAccelerated Life Testing
ALTApplied Laser Technology (various locations)
ALTAlternative Lengthening of Telomeres (cells)
ALTAccelerated Life Test
ALTAltus AFB (Altus, OK)
ALTApproach and Landing Test
ALTAssistant Leader Trainer
ALTAcquisition Lead Time
ALTAssociation for Linguistic Typology
ALTAllocation Logement Temporaire (French: Temporary Housing Allowance)
ALTAboriginal Lands Trust (Department of Indigenous Affairs)
ALTAlliance for Lobbying Transparency (UK)
ALTAdministrative Lead Time
ALTAirsoft Lunel Team (French Airsoft group)
ALTAnarchists, Lunatics and Terrorists (apocryphal origin of newsgroup hierarchy)
ALTAnti Leech Tracker
ALTAchievement Level Test
ALTApproximate Lower Triangular (coding scheme)
ALTAssociation for Local Telecommunications
ALTArmy Liaison Team
ALTAmarillo Little Theatre (Amarillo, TX)
ALTAssociazione per la Lotta Alla Trombosi e Alle Malattie Cardiovascolari (Italian: Association to Combat Thrombosis and Cardiovascular Disease; est. 1986)
ALTAutomatic Link Transfer
ALTAirborne Laser Tracker
ALTAdvanced Lightning Technology
ALTAer Lingus Teoranta
ALTAutomatic Line Testing (Nortel)
ALTAlanina Amminotrasferasi (Italy)
ALTActive Leap Technology
ALTATM Link Termination
ALTAssociazione Italiana per la Lotta Alla Trombosi
ALTAll Legal Transitions
ALTAnalog Line Termination
ALTAsynchronous Line Test
ALTAutomatic Line Thresholded
ALTAlarms and Telemetry (Sprint)
ALTAljamiado Learning Technologies (est. 2001)