Acronym | Definition |
ALTA | Alberta (Canada) |
ALTA | American Land Title Association |
ALTA | AltaVista (stock symbol) |
ALTA | A Long Time Ago (Star Wars) |
ALTA | American Literary Translators Association |
ALTA | Atlanta Lawn Tennis Association |
ALTA | Australasian Language Technology Association |
ALTA | Association Lavalloise pour le Transport Adapté (French; Canadian paratransit association) |
ALTA | African Language Teachers Association |
ALTA | Alberta Library Trustees' Association |
ALTA | Association of Library Trustees and Advocates (American Library Association) |
ALTA | Asociacion Latinoamericana de Transporte Aereo (Miami, FL) |
ALTA | Agricultural Landlord and Tenant Act (Fiji) |
ALTA | Accelerated Life Test Analysis |
ALTA | Active Long Term Archive |
ALTA | Adult Literacy Tutors Association (Trinidad and Tobago) |
ALTA | Aluminum-Lithium Test Article (Space Shuttle) |
ALTA | ATM Local Telephony Alliance |
ALTA | Advertising League At Texas-Arlington (University of Texas at Arlington student organization) |
ALTA | Alliance of Learning Technology Associates |