Acronym | Definition |
TWI | Twilight |
TWI | Tread Wear Indicator (tires) |
TWI | The Welding Institute |
TWI | Texting While Intoxicated |
TWI | Tread Wear Indicator |
TWI | Trade Weighted Index |
TWI | Two Wire Interface |
TWI | The Way International (Christian ministry) |
TWI | Two-Way Immersion |
TWI | Training With Industry |
TWI | Terlato Wines International (Lake Bluff, IL) |
TWI | Trans World International |
TWI | Through Wafer Interconnect (circuits) |
TWI | Typing While Intoxicated |
TWI | The Washington Independent |
TWI | T Wave Inversion (electrocardiography) |
TWI | The Writing Instructor (journal) |
TWI | The Workplace, Inc. (Bridgeport, CT) |
TWI | Totally with It |
TWI | Toegepaste Wetenschappen Interactief (Dutch: Applied Interactive Sciences; Belgium) |
TWI | Threat Warning Indicator |
TWI | Time Warner Interactive, Inc. |
TWI | Tactical Weather Intelligence |
TWI | Two-Way Interface |
TWI | Tire Wear Indicator |
TWI | Temporary Work Instruction (Australia) |