UDIUnique Device Identification (medical devices; US FDA)
UDIUnion des Démocrates et Indépendants (French: Union of Democrats and Independents)
UDIUnión Demócrata Independiente (Spanish: Independent Democratic Union)
UDIUnione Donne in Italia (Italian: Union of Italian Women)
UDIUnilateral Declaration of Independence
UDIUniversal Debug Interface
UDIUniversal Digital Indicator
UDIUnique Device Identifier
UDIUnified Display Interface
UDIUser-Driven Innovation (product creation)
UDIUnited Defense Industries, Inc. (stock symbol)
UDIUrban Development Initiatives (various locations)
UDIUnrestricted Digital Information
UDIUnder the Direct Influence
UDIUtility Data Institute
UDIUnidentified Drinking Injury
UDIUsuário de Drogas Injetáveis (Portuguese)
UDIUniform Device Interface (Intel/Unix)
UDIUnited Dairymen of Idaho
UDIUnità di Documentazione e Informazione per la Ricerca Agraria
UDIUnidad de Información (Spanish: Information Unit)
UDIUnit Drill Instructor
UDIUnique Data Item
UDIUniversal Digital Interface (television)
UDIUser-Defined Interface
UDIUrban Development Institute of Canada
UDIUnit Disciplinary Investicator (Canada)