Acronym | Definition |
SSRF | Server Side Request Forgery (malicious exploit of web servers) |
SSRF | Spiritual Science Research Foundation |
SSRF | Standard Spectrum Resource Format |
SSRF | Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (China) |
SSRF | Small Scale Raiding Force (UK) |
SSRF | Sindh Special Relief Fund (Pakistan) |
SSRF | South Sound Reading Foundation (Lacey, WA; National Children's Reading Foundation) |
SSRF | Social Security Reserve Fund (Slovakia) |
SSRF | State Service for the Registration of Foreigners (Turkmenistan) |
SSRF | Spartan Spatial Random Field (earth science) |
SSRF | Salt Science Research Foundation (Japan) |
SSRF | Shield Shell Replacement Fabric (US NASA) |
SSRF | Salton Sea Restoration Fund (California Department of Fish and Game) |
SSRF | Space Systems Research Facility |
SSRF | Statistical Services Revolving Fund (Illinois) |
SSRF | Södra Sallerups Ryttarförening (Swedish: Southern Sallerup Riders Association; Sallerup, Sweden) |
SSRF | Special State Research Fund (Indiana University) |
SSRF | Special State Reserve Funds (North Carolina) |
SSRF | Southern Soldiers Remembrance Fund (Confederate grave markers) |
SSRF | Social Service Residential Facility (Florida) |
SSRF | State Special Revenue Fund (Montana and Ohio) |
SSRF | Small Scale Research Fund (Faculty of Languages, Arts and Sciences; Hong Kong Institute of Education) |