Acronym | Definition |
TMM | Tokyo Mew Mew (anime) |
TMM | Transfer Matrix Method |
TMM | Technical Manual |
TMM | Thoroughly Modern Millie (movie) |
TMM | Transportacion Maritima Mexicana (shipping company) |
TMM | Texas Memorial Museum (Austin, TX) |
TMM | Tell Me More |
TMM | Transient Multimonitor Manager |
TMM | Tahun Melawat Malaysia (Malay: Visit Malaysia Year) |
TMM | Turkmen Manat (ISO currency code) |
TMM | The Muppet Movie |
TMM | Thomson Multimedia |
TMM | Thermal Mathematical Model |
TMM | The Music Marketeers |
TMM | Technology Marketing Management (various locations) |
TMM | Taux Moyen Mensuel (French: Average Monthly Rates) |
TMM | Test/Testing Maturity Model (software engineering) |
TMM | Transaction Management Module |
TMM | Thermal Math Model |
TMM | Thermoset Microwave Material (electrical engineering) |
TMM | Tape Measurement Method (orthopedics) |
TMM | Tu Me Manque (French: I Miss You) |
TMM | Thermal Mass Model |
TMM | Translation Memory Manager |
TMM | Total Marketing Management |
TMM | Traffic Metering and Measurement |
TMM | Too Many Morons |
TMM | Too Much Maintenance (relationship slang) |
TMM | Thruster Maneuver Mode |
TMM | Topological Matrix Model |
TMM | Temps de Mise sur le Marché (French: Last Time on the Market) |
TMM | Tool Makers Microscope |
TMM | Teletype Message Management |
TMM | Telecom-Based Multimedia |
TMM | Point One Total Materials Management (trademark of Praxair, Inc.; Danbury, CT) |