UIUser Interface
UIUnemployment Insurance
UIUseful Information
UIUniversity of Illinois
UIUniversitas Indonesia (University of Indonesia)
UIUniversity of Iowa
UIUltra Instinct (manga)
UIUnique Identifier
UIUniversity of Idaho
UIUrinary Incontinence
UIUrban Industrial (target for air strike)
UIUnder the Influence
UIUnder Instruction
UIUrban Institute (Washington, DC, USA)
UIUniversity of Isfahan (Iran)
UIUniversity of Ibadan (Nigeria)
UIUnited Illuminating Company
UIUnix International
UIUnnumbered Information
UIUser Interface Machine
UIUnidad Internacional (Spanish: International Unit; measurement)
UIUser Integration
UIUniversal Interface (NEC)
UIUnit Interval
UIUniversity of Incheon (South Korea)
UIUnit of Issue
UIUnit Interface
UIUniversity of Indianapolis
UIUnit Injector
UIUndergraduate Instructor (education)
UIUnemployment Initial (DOL)
UIUranium Institute (London, UK)
UIUnit Inventory
UIUpgrade Insurance
UIUtility Infielder
UIUnalaska Island (Alaska)
UIUnidentified Individual (courts)
UIUnion Interparlementaire
UIUnión Interparlamentaria (Spanish)
UIFatty Acid Unsaturation Index