TDMTime Division Multiplexed/Multiplexing
TDMThe Diamond Minecart
TDMTime Division Multiplexing (telecommunication)
TDMTransportation Demand Management
TDMTeam Death Match (game)
TDMTomodensitométrie (French: Computed Tomography)
TDMTherapeutic Drug Monitoring (pharmacological data; patient treatment)
TDMTherapeutic Drug Monitoring
TDMTravel Demand Management
TDMText and Data Mining (document analysis)
TDMTime Domain Method
TDMTravel Demand Modeling
TDMTime Division Multiplexing
TDMTeamplay Deathmatch
TDMText Data Mining
TDMTechnical Decision Maker (various companies)
TDMTemporal Data Mining (algorithm)
TDMTarget Disk Mode (allows a Mac with FireWire port target to be used as an external disk)
TDMTeam Decision Making (child welfare activities)
TDMTime Domain Multiplexing
TDMTransportation Decision Making
TDMTotal Dry Matter (livestock feed)
TDMToo Damn Many
TDMTouch Down Monitoring (energy exploration)
TDMTransparent Data Migration (software)
TDMTeam Data Manager
TDMToronto Dominion Bank
TDMToilettes du Monde (French: Toilets of the World; sanitation organization; France)
TDMTrev Deeley Motorcycles (Canada)
TDMThe Digital Movement
TDMTerminal Duty Manager (aviation)
TDMTruck Data Memory (global positioning system truck monitoring; Czech Republic)
TDMThe Delphi Magazine
TDMTechnology Development Manager
TDMTemperature Difference Method
TDMToo Damn Much
TDMTest-Driven Modeling
TDMTechnology Diversification Manager (UK)
TDMTechnical Data Manager
TDMTest Development Manager
TDMTelephone Directory Monitor
TDMTransportation of Dangerous Materials
TDMThree Dimensional-Reduction Method
TDMTurbo-Decoding Metrics
TDMTorpedo Detection Modification (for SONAR)
TDMThe Deaf Michigander
TDMTandem Aero Moldova (ICAO code)
TDMTRAC De-Mangler
TDMText & Date Messaging
TDMTelemetry Drive Module
TDMTransportable, Deployable, and/or Mobile
TDMTarget Definition Mode
TDMTarget Data Manager
TDMTelefonía Digital Movil (Spanish)