Acronym | Definition |
TDM | Time Division Multiplexed/Multiplexing |
TDM | The Diamond Minecart |
TDM | Time Division Multiplexing (telecommunication) |
TDM | Transportation Demand Management |
TDM | Team Death Match (game) |
TDM | Tomodensitométrie (French: Computed Tomography) |
TDM | Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (pharmacological data; patient treatment) |
TDM | Therapeutic Drug Monitoring |
TDM | Travel Demand Management |
TDM | Text and Data Mining (document analysis) |
TDM | Time Domain Method |
TDM | Travel Demand Modeling |
TDM | Time Division Multiplexing |
TDM | Teamplay Deathmatch |
TDM | Text Data Mining |
TDM | Technical Decision Maker (various companies) |
TDM | Temporal Data Mining (algorithm) |
TDM | Target Disk Mode (allows a Mac with FireWire port target to be used as an external disk) |
TDM | Team Decision Making (child welfare activities) |
TDM | Time Domain Multiplexing |
TDM | Transportation Decision Making |
TDM | Total Dry Matter (livestock feed) |
TDM | Too Damn Many |
TDM | Touch Down Monitoring (energy exploration) |
TDM | Transparent Data Migration (software) |
TDM | Team Data Manager |
TDM | Toronto Dominion Bank |
TDM | Toilettes du Monde (French: Toilets of the World; sanitation organization; France) |
TDM | Trev Deeley Motorcycles (Canada) |
TDM | The Digital Movement |
TDM | Terminal Duty Manager (aviation) |
TDM | Truck Data Memory (global positioning system truck monitoring; Czech Republic) |
TDM | The Delphi Magazine |
TDM | Technology Development Manager |
TDM | Temperature Difference Method |
TDM | Too Damn Much |
TDM | Test-Driven Modeling |
TDM | Technology Diversification Manager (UK) |
TDM | Technical Data Manager |
TDM | Test Development Manager |
TDM | Telephone Directory Monitor |
TDM | Transportation of Dangerous Materials |
TDM | Three Dimensional-Reduction Method |
TDM | Turbo-Decoding Metrics |
TDM | Torpedo Detection Modification (for SONAR) |
TDM | The Deaf Michigander |
TDM | Tandem Aero Moldova (ICAO code) |
TDM | TRAC De-Mangler |
TDM | Text & Date Messaging |
TDM | Telemetry Drive Module |
TDM | Transportable, Deployable, and/or Mobile |
TDM | Target Definition Mode |
TDM | Target Data Manager |
TDM | Telefonía Digital Movil (Spanish) |