Acronym | Definition |
TDR | Time Domain Reflectometer |
TDR | Training in Tropical Diseases |
TDR | Transfer of Development Rights |
TDR | Tokyo Disney Resort |
TDR | Time-Domain Reflectometry |
TDR | Transgender Day of Remembrance |
TDR | The Drama Review (journal) |
TDR | Trusted Digital Repository (various organizations) |
TDR | Tasks, Duties and Responsibilities |
TDR | Term Deposit Receipt (banking) |
TDR | Tropical Disease Research |
TDR | Transmit Data Register (computer programming) |
TDR | UNDP-World Bank-WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases |
TDR | Trust Deed and Rules (pensions) |
TDR | Total Disc Replacement |
TDR | Transparent Data Reduction |
TDR | Technical Design Reports |
TDR | Technical Design Report |
TDR | Timeout Detection and Recovery |
TDR | The Designers Republic (graphic design organization) |
TDR | The Damage Report (show) |
TDR | Time Delay Relay |
TDR | Transfer Development Rights |
TDR | Typically Deleted Region (genetics) |
TDR | Taiwan Depositary Receipt |
TDR | Technical Dress Rehearsal (healthcare) |
TDR | Torch and Drill Resistant (door construction) |
TDR | Troubled Debt Restructuring |
TDR | Time Depth Recorder (marine biology) |
TDR | Translucent Dark Red (guitar color) |
TDR | Test de Diagnostic Rapide (French: Rapid Diagnostic Test; medical testing procedure) |
TDR | Turbo Diesel Register |
TDR | Transportation Discrepancy Report |
TDR | Time of Day Routing (telecommunications) |
TDR | Tvornica Duhana Rovinj (Croatian tobacco factory) |
TDR | Typographic Desk Reference (book; Oak Knoll Press) |
TDR | Ticket Deposit Receipt (railway travel) |
TDR | The Dragon Reborn (Wheel of Time; book 3) |
TDR | Transferrable Development Rights |
TDR | Time-Dependent Routing |
TDR | The Dartmouth Review (Dartmouth College) |
TDR | Tear Down & Redesign (electronics) |
TDR | Test Drivers Racing (Volvo) |
TDR | Training Device Relocation |
TDR | Technical Design Review |
TDR | Terrace Dining Room (American Univesity) |
TDR | Test de Dépistage Rapide (French: Rapid Screening Test; healthcare) |
TDR | Training Development Resource (various companies) |
TDR | Terminal Departure Report (shipping) |
TDR | Tourism Destination Region |
TDR | Total Debt Ratio |
TDR | Test Data Register |
TDR | Time Delay Reflectometry |
TDR | Toxicology Desk Reference |
TDR | Torque-Differential Receiver |
TDR | Tracking Data Relay |
TDR | Training Device Requirement |
TDR | Terre de Recherche (French: Earth Search; website design business; Monaco) |
TDR | Terminal Doppler Radar |
TDR | Tube Deposit Rater (aviation) |
TDR | Teardown Deficiency Report |
TDR | Test Deficiency Report |
TDR | Test Discrepancy Reports |
TDR | Total Defect Rate |
TDR | Titan Dining Room (University of Detroit Mercy) |
TDR | Target Detection and Recognition |
TDR | Train Data Recorder |
TDR | Target Discrimination Radar |
TDR | Traffic Distribution Record |
TDR | Tax Data Record |
TDR | Technical Data Request |
TDR | Tracking Data Reformatter |
TDR | Tonnage Distribution Roster |
TDR | Tool Design Request |
TDR | Tape Dump Run |
TDR | Tactical Data Radio |
TDR | Tracking Discrepancy Report |
TDR | Technical Data Rights |
TDR | Three-Dimensional Recursive (search algorithm) |
TDR | Technical Director's Review |
TDR | Tailoring Decisions Record |
TDR | Technical Directive Record |
TDR | TIMS Document Review form |
TDR | Transmitter Data Relay |
TDR | Transmittal Document Register |
TDR | Transfer Data Records |
TDR | Technical Data Requirement |
TDR | Testis Determining Region |
TDR | Trial Date Remains (court documents) |
TDR | Technical Discrepancy Record |
TDR | Time-Division Relaying |
TDR | Track Data Report |
TDR | Time Delay Register |