Acronym | Definition |
AEE | Applications of Electrical Engineering (conference) |
AEE | Assessment of Environmental Effects (New Zealand) |
AEE | Agricultural and Environmental Engineering (various schools) |
AEE | Advances in Engineering Education (American Society for Engineering Education) |
AEE | Adult Entertainment Expo |
AEE | Association for Experiential Education |
AEE | Agence Européenne pour l'Environnement (French: European Agency for the Environment; EU) |
AEE | Association of Energy Engineers |
AEE | Arbeitsgemeinschaft Erneuerbare Energie |
AEE | Agence pour les Economies d'Energie (French: Energy Conservation Agency; est. 1974) |
AEE | Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica (Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority) |
AEE | Agricultural Environmental Education (various organizations) |
AEE | Alliance for Excellent Education (Washington, DC) |
AEE | Ateliers d'Equipements Electriques (French industrial cleaning equipment company; France) |
AEE | Activity Energy Expenditure |
AEE | Association pour l'Evangélisation des Enfants (French: Association for the Evangelization of Children) |
AEE | Alliance Européenne des Experts (French: European Alliance of Experts; est. 1988) |
AEE | Academic Exchange Extra (forum) |
AEE | Abacus Equipement Electronique (French: Abacus Electronic Equipment; est. 1986) |
AEE | Asthma-Exacerbation Episode |
AEE | Application Execution Environment |
AEE | Assistant Executive Engineer |
AEE | Architecture Electronique Embarquée (French: Embedded Electronic Architecture) |
AEE | Agricultural & Extension Education |
AEE | Alliance for Environmental Education |
AEE | African Evangelistic Enterprise |
AEE | Atomic Energy Establishment |
AEE | Advanced Engineering Environment |
AEE | Atlantic Equipment Engineers (division of Micronmetals, Inc) |
AEE | Activists for Educational Empowerment |
AEE | Agent Execution Environment |
AEE | All Electronics Enterprises |
AEE | Adverse Environmental Effect |
AEE | Action to End Exploitation |
AEE | Airborne Evaluation Equipment |
AEE | Asymptotic Effective Energy |
AEE | Asociación Evangelica Emmanuel (Emmanuel Evangelical Association, Guatemala) |
AEE | Asociación de Estudiantes de Economía (USAC Guatemala) |
AEE | Absolute Essential Equipment |
AEE | Atmosphere Explorer E |
AEE | Attitude Ephemeris / Events |
AEE | Department of Advanced Education and Employment (Canada) |
AEE | Associate in Electrical Engineering |