Acronym | Definition |
TSN | The Sports Network |
TSN | The Sporting News |
TSN | Time-Sensitive Networking (IEEE standards) |
TSN | Turkish Society of Nephrology |
TSN | Transitional Security Network |
TSN | Tan Son Nhut (Vietnam) |
TSN | Targeting Social Need (NI) |
TSN | Trade Support Network (US Customs) |
TSN | Ten Sing Norway (Young Men's Christian Association) |
TSN | The Shopping Network (United Arab Emirates) |
TSN | Time Since New (aerospace; measure of time related to equipment fitted to an aircraft) |
TSN | Toronto Sports Network |
TSN | Team Sportscast Network |
TSN | Transmission Sequence Numbering (wireless communications) |
TSN | Trackline Single-Unit Non-Return (US DoD) |
TSN | Task Sequence Number |
TSN | Tobacco Specific Nitrosamine (carcinogen) |
TSN | Track Supervision Net (US DoD) |
TSN | Treatment Solutions Network (addiction recovery) |
TSN | Tri-Service Solicitation Network (USA) |
TSN | Thermal Spray Non-Skid (coating; US Navy) |
TSN | Tomahawk Strike Network |
TSN | Trunk Switched Network |
TSN | The Scorpion's Nest (gaming clan) |
TSN | Test Support Network |
TSN | Talking Sports Network |
TSN | Tag Set Name |
TSN | Tall Ship Newswire |
TSN | Test Sequence Network |
TSN | Travel Source Network |
TSN | The Scouting News (online news website) |
TSN | The Sat-Am Network (Sonic the Hedgehog TV show) |