TOPSTaking Off Pounds Sensibly
TOPSThe Opportunity to Shine
TOPSTime Out for Parents (childcare program)
TOPSTotal Operating System
TOPSTo Promote Safety
TOPSTest of Performance Strategies (sports psychology)
TOPSTip-Over Protection Structure (earth-moving machinery)
TOPSTransaction Online Processing System (US Navy)
TOPSTuition Opportunity Program for Students
TOPSTraffic Operator Position System
TOPSTeam Oriented Problem Solving
TOPSToshiba Personal Computer System (Japan)
TOPSTreatment Outcome Prospective Study
TOPSToward Other Planetary Systems
TOPSTransportation Operational Personal Property Standard System
TOPSTotal Operations Processing System (British Rail)
TOPSTour Operators' Program of Safety
TOPSTotal Operations Per Second
TOPSTime Sharing Operating System
TOPSTaylor Opportunity Program for Students (Louisiana)
TOPSTask Order Procurement System (Alaska)
TOPSTera Operations Per Second
TOPSTheoretical Operations Per Second (computing speed)
TOPSThe Officer Placement Service
TOPSTravel Order Processing System
TOPSTeacher Opportunities to Promote Science
TOPSTransistorized Operational Phone System (US NASA)
TOPSTerascale Optimal PDE Simulation
TOPSThermodynamic Ocean Prediction System
TOPSTechnological Opportunities to Increase the Proliferation Resistance of Global Civilian Nuclear Power Systems (NERAC)
TOPSThermoelectric Outer Planet Spacecraft (NASA/JPL)
TOPSTheory of Organismal Problem Solving
TOPSTechnical Operations and Production Services
TOPSTechnical Order Page Supplement
TOPSTransparent Optical Packet Switching
TOPSTechnology Opportunity Showcase
TOPSTuberculosis Outreach and Prevention Services
TOPSTotal Ocean Profiling System
TOPSTask Oriented Practices (Bellcore)
TOPSTraining Opportunity Services
TOPSTeam Osteopathic Physicals for Students
TOPSTurbine Overload Protection System
TOPSThe Over Volunteering Prevention System (drug trial database; UK)
TOPSThe Ozarks Paranormal Society (Eldridge, MO)
TOPSTactical Onboard Processing System
TOPSTotal Operating Paperless System
TOPSTalented Offering in the Programmes of Sciences
TOPSTelephone On-Line Processing System (University of New Orleans)
TOPSTactical Optical Projection System
TOPSThroughput Optimal Packet-Length-Selection (Rule)
TOPSTheater Operations Simulation
TOPSTravel Card Operator Services (Sprint)
TOPSTime-sensitive Operational Planning System
TOPSToll Operation Position Station
TOPSTactical Operation Support
TOPSTechnical and Office Protocol Suite
TOPSThe Oregon Paranormal Society
TOPSTeam Oriented Production System
TOPSTotal Online Processing System (billing)
TOPSThird Orbit Power Systems (Tustin, CA)