Acronym | Definition |
SSRS | SQL Server Reporting Services (Microsoft SQL Server 2005) |
SSRS | Social Science Research Solutions (Glen Mills, PA) |
SSRS | Social Skills Rating System |
SSRS | Single State Registration System |
SSRS | SQL Server Resolution Service (Microsoft SQL Server 2000) |
SSRS | Support Scheme for Rural Specialists (Sydney, NSW, Australia) |
SSRS | Super Sport Rally Sport (Camaro) |
SSRS | Society for Social Responsibility in Science |
SSRS | Self Supporting River Systems (workshop; Netherlands) |
SSRS | Secondary Safety Rating System (EU) |
SSRS | Super Stock Racing Series |
SSRS | Suginami Shonen Rugby School (Japan) |
SSRS | System-Specific Security Requirements Statement |
SSRS | Software and Software-Related Service (revenue assessment) |
SSRS | Subtracted Shifted Raman Spectroscopy |
SSRS | System Security Requirements Specification |
SSRS | Shared SONET Ring Service |
SSRS | Subspace Subcode of a Reed-Solomon Code |
SSRS | Staff Summary Routing Sheet |
SSRS | Sagami Shonen Rugby School (Japan) |
SSRS | Site Specific Remediation Strategy |
SSRS | Shared Service Request System |
SSRS | Supplemental Stall Recognition System (aviation) |