Acronym | Definition |
SSV | Silver Surfer Vaporizer |
SSV | Super Shine View |
SSV | Single Site Verification (radio frequency optimization) |
SSV | State Supplied Vaccine (various locations) |
SSV | Small Saphenous Vein |
SSV | Storage Server (Fujitsu, Japan) |
SSV | Sommer Schluss Verkauf (German: Summer Season Low Price) |
SSV | Surface Safety Valve |
SSV | Soldier Survivability |
SSV | Sequential Still Video |
SSV | Space Shuttle Vehicle (US NASA) |
SSV | Super Shine View (computer technology) |
SSV | Specialty Sports Venture LLC (Denver, CO) |
SSV | Simian Sarcoma Viral |
SSV | Symphony Silicon Valley (San Jose, CA) |
SSV | Systems Software Verification |
SSV | Society for the Suppression of Vice |
SSV | Small Science Vehicle (NASA) |
SSV | Safe Sampling Volume |
SSV | Société Suisse de Vexillologie (French: Swiss Society of Vexillology) |
SSV | Standard Service Volume (aviation) |
SSV | Single Source Vendor |
SSV | Services Sesam-Vitale (French healthcare company) |
SSV | Steady State Value |
SSV | Soft Skinned Vehicle |
SSV | Swiss Society of Vexillology |
SSV | Société Suisse du Vide |
SSV | Safety Selector Valve |
SSV | Subsigno Veneni (under a poison label) |
SSV | Serebrospinaalvog |
SSV | Statistique et Sciences de La Vie (French: Statistics and Life Sciences) |
SSV | Static Signature Verification |
SSV | System Support Vehicle |
SSV | Separability of a Split Value |