TPEThermoplastic Elastomer
TPETwo-Phase Extraction (environment)
TPETravaux Personnels Encadrés (French: Supervised Personal Work; academics)
TPETeens for Planet Earth (Wildlife Conservation Society; Bronx Zoo; New York)
TPETransaction Processing Environment (UniKix)
TPETribunal pour Enfants (French juvenile court)
TPETherapeutic Patient Education
TPEThe Photographer's Ephemeris (photography software)
TPEThe Placement Exchange
TPETrendnet Power over Ethernet
TPETrusted Path Execution
TPEThe Public Enemy
TPETwisted Pair Ethernet
TPETerminal de Paiement Electronique (French)
TPETherapeutic Plasma Exchange
TPETotal Power Exchange
TPETurboprop Engine
TPEThe Public Employee (Singapore; newsletter)
TPETotal Potential Exposure (credit management)
TPETelomere Position Effect
TPETampines Expressway (Singapore)
TPETheater Provided Equipment
TPEThat Petrol Emotion (band)
TPEThe Power Empire (gaming clan)
TPETeuton Preinstalled Environment (software)
TPETrès Petites Entreprise (French: Very Small Business)
TPETest Project Engineer (US NASA)
TPEThird Pole Environment
TPETaxpayer Education
TPETelework Partnership with Employers
TPETeacher Performance Evaluation
TPEThird Party Evaluator
TPETechnology, Pedagogy and Education
TPEThird Party Equipment (various organizations)
TPEThreshold Photoelectron
TPETrade Promotion Excellence (Kellogg)
TPETiny Paper Enclosure (philately)
TPETaipei, Taiwan - Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport (airport code)
TPETris Phosphoric Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid
TPETransaction Processing Executive
TPETrans-Pacific Exchange (now VIA; Stanford, CA)
TPETrainer-Peculiar Equipment
TPETracking and Pointing Experiment
TPETraining Project Engineer
TPETracking & Pointing Experiment