Acronym | Definition |
TPF | The Purse Forum (online community) |
TPF | Transports Publics Fribourgeois (French: Fribourg Public Transport; Fribourg, Switzerland) |
TPF | Terrestrial Planet Finder (US NASA) |
TPF | The Perl Foundation |
TPF | Transportattion Pooled Fund |
TPF | Transaction Processing Facility |
TPF | Tesco Personal Finance (UK) |
TPF | Tiny Personal Firewall |
TPF | Traffic Plane Function |
TPF | Third Party Financing |
TPF | This Point Forward |
TPF | The Peregrine Fund |
TPF | Total Package Fielding |
TPF | The Phoenix Federation (gaming) |
TPF | Tactical Patrol Force (New York Police Department) |
TPF | Tactical, Practical & Fantastical (forum; Canada) |
TPF | Taxe de Publicité Foncière (French: Land Registration Fee) |
TPF | Transmission Priority Field (APPN) |
TPF | Tactical Police Force (various locations) |
TPF | Taper Per Foot |
TPF | Timber Producers' Federation |
TPF | Time per Frame |
TPF | Tarbes Pyrénées Football (French football club) |
TPF | The Press Fire (band) |
TPF | Team Play First |
TPF | Tibial Plateau Fracture |
TPF | Terminal Phase Finalization (aeronautics) |
TPF | The Poetry Foundation (formerly The Modern Poetry Association) |
TPF | Time For Prints (photography) |
TPF | Tiling Path Format (genomics) |
TPF | Test Point Frame |
TPF | Terminal Phase Final |
TPF | Thermal Power Feedback |
TPF | Telemetry Processing Facility |
TPF | Third Party Fund (finance) |
TPF | Transfer PC File |
TPF | Text Product Format |
TPF | Team Play Friendly |
TPF | Text Processable Format (ITU-T Rec T73) |
TPF | The Party Foul (band) |
TPF | Textured Planar Surface |
TPF | Toilet Paper Failure |
TPF | Tall People Friendly |
TPF | Training Planning Factor |
TPF | TES Production Facility (US NASA) |
TPF | The Ports Finezt (rap group) |
TPF | Technique Pompage Fontaine (French: Technical Pump Fountain) |
TPF | Thermodynamic Potential Factor (geochemistry) |