SPNSolo Para Niños (Spanish: Kids Only; search engine)
SPNSolitary Pulmonary Nodule
SPNService Principal Name
SPNSpecifications (TMINS)
SPNSupernatural (TV show)
SPNSpecialty Pharmacy Network (various locations)
SPNSlo-Pitch National (sports)
SPNSource Port Number
SPNSony Pictures Network
SPNSubstitution Permutation Network
SPNSuperficial Peroneal Nerve (anatomy)
SPNService Provider Network (Los Angeles, CA HIV prevention and care)
SPNStreptococcus Pneumoniae
SPNSociety of Pediatric Nurses
SPNStochastic Petri Net
SPNSocial Psychology Network
SPNSmart Protection Network
SPNSymantec Protection Network
SPNSubstitution-Permutation Network
SPNSindicato dos Professores do Norte (Northern Teachers' Union; Portugal)
SPNService Provider Name
SPNSymbian Partner Network (mobile phones)
SPNSpecific Procurement Notice
SPNSports Performance Nutrition
SPNShortest Process Next (scheduling algorithm)
SPNStimulus Preceding Negativity (psychology)
SPNSurat Perbendaharaan Negara (Indonesia - Treasury Bills)
SPNSuccessful Practices Network
SPNSatellite Program Network
SPNService du Patrimoine Naturel (French: Natural Heritage Service; National Museum of Natural History; Paris, France)
SPNSecure Private Network
SPNScottish Property Network
SPNSports Podcast Network
SPNShared Processing Network
SPNSuspect Parameter Number
SPNStudent Practical Nurse
SPNShipment Performance Notice
SPNStandard Precision Navigator
SPNSouth Pacific Division-San Francisco District (USACE)
SPNStrategic Partnership Network (finance)
SPNStretch Performance Network (oil and gas industry)
SPNShift-Pulse Network
SPNServicios Postales Nacionales SA (Spanish, Colombia)
SPNSoftware Project Notebook
SPNSequential Phase Number
SPNSignal Processor/Processing Network
SPNSafe Petri Net
SPNSimplest Possible Number
SPNShipboard Radar Navigation
SPNSuperline Partners Network (Japan)
SPNStart Production Notice / Stop Production Notice
SPNSimple Purchasing Network
SPNSpare Part Number (electronics)
SPNSponsor Program Number
SPNSaipan, Northern Mariana Islands - Saipan International Northern Mariana Isles (Airport Code)
SPNSwitch Panel Network
SPNSubliminal Psychic Network (band)