Acronym | Definition |
SPN | Solo Para Niños (Spanish: Kids Only; search engine) |
SPN | Solitary Pulmonary Nodule |
SPN | Service Principal Name |
SPN | Specifications (TMINS) |
SPN | Supernatural (TV show) |
SPN | Specialty Pharmacy Network (various locations) |
SPN | Slo-Pitch National (sports) |
SPN | Source Port Number |
SPN | Sony Pictures Network |
SPN | Substitution Permutation Network |
SPN | Superficial Peroneal Nerve (anatomy) |
SPN | Service Provider Network (Los Angeles, CA HIV prevention and care) |
SPN | Streptococcus Pneumoniae |
SPN | Society of Pediatric Nurses |
SPN | Stochastic Petri Net |
SPN | Social Psychology Network |
SPN | Smart Protection Network |
SPN | Symantec Protection Network |
SPN | Substitution-Permutation Network |
SPN | Sindicato dos Professores do Norte (Northern Teachers' Union; Portugal) |
SPN | Sialophorin |
SPN | Service Provider Name |
SPN | Symbian Partner Network (mobile phones) |
SPN | Specific Procurement Notice |
SPN | Sports Performance Nutrition |
SPN | Shortest Process Next (scheduling algorithm) |
SPN | Stimulus Preceding Negativity (psychology) |
SPN | Surat Perbendaharaan Negara (Indonesia - Treasury Bills) |
SPN | Successful Practices Network |
SPN | Satellite Program Network |
SPN | Service du Patrimoine Naturel (French: Natural Heritage Service; National Museum of Natural History; Paris, France) |
SPN | Secure Private Network |
SPN | Scottish Property Network |
SPN | Sports Podcast Network |
SPN | Shared Processing Network |
SPN | Suspect Parameter Number |
SPN | Signal-Plus-Noise |
SPN | Student Practical Nurse |
SPN | Shipment Performance Notice |
SPN | Standard Precision Navigator |
SPN | South Pacific Division-San Francisco District (USACE) |
SPN | Strategic Partnership Network (finance) |
SPN | Stretch Performance Network (oil and gas industry) |
SPN | Shift-Pulse Network |
SPN | Servicios Postales Nacionales SA (Spanish, Colombia) |
SPN | Software Project Notebook |
SPN | Sequential Phase Number |
SPN | Signal Processor/Processing Network |
SPN | Safe Petri Net |
SPN | Simplest Possible Number |
SPN | Shipboard Radar Navigation |
SPN | Superline Partners Network (Japan) |
SPN | Start Production Notice / Stop Production Notice |
SPN | Simple Purchasing Network |
SPN | Spare Part Number (electronics) |
SPN | Sponsor Program Number |
SPN | Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands - Saipan International Northern Mariana Isles (Airport Code) |
SPN | Switch Panel Network |
SPN | Subliminal Psychic Network (band) |