Acronym | Definition |
TASS | Telegrafnoje Agentstvo Sovietskovo Soïuza (news agency of the former Soviet Union) |
TASS | Toxic Anterior Segment Syndrome (eye surgery complication) |
TASS | Trusted Associate Sponsorship System (US DoD) |
TASS | Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme (UK) |
TASS | Tribunal des Affaires de Sécurité Sociale (French: Tribunal of Social Security Affairs; France) |
TASS | The Army School System (formerly Total Army School System) |
TASS | Total Army School System |
TASS | Tactical Automated Security System |
TASS | Ticlopidine Aspirin Stroke Study |
TASS | Tactical Air Support Squadron |
TASS | Tibetan Academy of Social Sciences |
TASS | Teaching Academic Survival Skills Conference |
TASS | Tree and Stand Simulator (forestry industry) |
TASS | Terminal Area Simulation System |
TASS | The Alpha School System (school administration software for K-12) |
TASS | Technical Acquisition Support Services (USAF Space & Missile Systems Center) |
TASS | Target Acquisition Sensor Suite |
TASS | Telluride Association Sophomore Seminars (Ithaca, NY) |
TASS | Tucson Animation Screening Society (Arizona) |
TASS | Towed Array Surveillance System |
TASS | Tilt Authorisation and Speed Supervision (UK Railway) |
TASS | Technical, Administrative and Supervisory Staffs (UK) |
TASS | Trading Advisors Selection System |
TASS | Totally Agile Sensor Systems |
TASS | Tactical Automated Switch System |
TASS | Tactical Avionics System Simulator |
TASS | Tactical Air Support Section |
TASS | The Army Study System |
TASS | Terminal Air Surveillance System |
TASS | Tactical Air-To-Surface System |
TASS | Tilt and Speed Supervision (automatic control system found on tilting passenger trains in the UK) |
TASS | Tactical Armed Surveillance System |
TASS | True Analogue Sensitivity Setup |
TASS | Threat Assessment Scheduling System |
TASS | Tactical Switching System |
TASS | Towed-Array Sensor/Sonar System |
TASS | USAF Tactical Air Support Squadron |
TASS | Two-Arm Slot Antenna |