Acronym | Definition |
TMV | True Market Value |
TMV | Tobacco Mosaic Virus |
TMV | Toyota Motor Vietnam (vehicles) |
TMV | The Moderate Voice (est. 2003) |
TMV | The Mars Volta (band) |
TMV | Tape Move |
TMV | Test Method Validation |
TMV | Through Mold Via (semiconductor interconnection) |
TMV | Theft of Motor Vehicle (crimes) |
TMV | Thermostatic Mixer Valve (water management) |
TMV | Trailer Music Vibe |
TMV | Toxicity, Mobility or Volume |
TMV | Torpedoman's Mate, Aviation (US Navy) |
TMV | Traversée du Massif Vosgien (French: Crossing the Vosges Mountains; mountain bike trail) |
TMV | Tom, Molly and Veronica (CNET podcast and forum personalities) |
TMV | Tailored Mini-Vast (Electronic Component Test System) |
TMV | Total Maternal Value (breeding) |
TMV | Tactical Mobile Variant (US Navy tactical mobile systems family) |