STHStairway To Heaven (song and TV show)
STHSomething (IRC/SMS)
STHShadow the Hedgehog (game)
STHSonic the Hedgehog
STHSeason Ticket Holder
STHSave the Homeland (gaming, Harvest Moon series)
STHSilver the Hedgehog (gaming)
STHSchool of Tourism and Hospitality (South Africa)
STHStudent in Theology
STHSubtropical High
STHStorm the Hillside (band)
STHSheraton Towers Hotel
STHSoil-Transmitted Helminth (parasitic worm)
STHSaint Thomas Hospital (Nashville, TN)
STHSheffield Teaching Hospitals
STHState Trunk Highway (Wisconsin)
STHStash (file type)
STHStraight to Hell
STHStop the Hate (various locations)
STHScience, Technology and Health
STHStore High
STHSussex Tech High (Georgetown, DE)
STHShort Term Hire
STHSomatotropic Hormone (growth hormone)
STHSpeed Touch Home (Alcatel DSL)
STHString Handle
STHStore Halfword (IBM)
STHShelter to Home (Wyandotte, MI)
STHSilver Thomas Hanley (Australian architects & health planners)
STHSo Totally Hot
STHSchwab, Twitty & Hanser Architectural Group, Inc
STHSystem Test Hardware
STHSciences et Technologies pour Le Handicap (French: Science and Technology for the Disabled; journal)
STHStructural-Thermal Subsystem
STHSteeper Than Hell (ski run at Snowbird, Utah)
STHSequential Trunk Hunt (call assignment scheme)
STHShark Tooth Hill (California)
STHSciences, Techniques et Humanités (French: Science, Technology and Humanities)
STHService Technique d'Hygiène (French: Technical Department of Health)
STHStar Tracker Head
STHSualti Temizlik ve Bilinclendirme Hareketi Dernegi (Turkish: Underwater Purification and Awareness Activity)