STICSciences et Technologies de l'information et de la Communication (French: Information and Communication Science and Technology)
STICScience and Technology Information Center
STICSaid Tongue In Cheek
STICSubcarrier Traffic Information Channel
STICScience, Technology and Innovation Council (Canada)
STICSystème de Traitement des Infractions Constatées (French: Recorded Offenses Treatment System)
STICSanto Tomas Internment Camp (Manila, Philippines)
STICSubcarrier (FM Broadcast) Traffic Information Channel
STICStar Trek Italian Club
STICSmalltalk Industry Council
STICStudiekring voor Technische Informatie en Communicatie (Dutch Society for Technical Information & Communication)
STICSpace Telescope Institute Council
STICState Talent Identification Championships (Australia)
STICSociété des Transports Intercommunaux de Charleroi (French: Public Transport Company of Charleroi; Belgium)
STICSpatial-Temporal Image Correlation (ultrasound technique to evaluate the fetal heart)
STICSystème de Traitement de l'Information Criminelle (French: Criminal Information Processing System)
STICScience and Technology of Information and Communication
STICScientific & Technical Information Center
STICSarawak Tree Improvement Centre
STICSprint PCS Technology Integration Center
STICSuspension Touch Interface Controller
STICSupport the Islanders Coalition
STICSenior Technician In Charge
STICSupply Transaction Identifier Code
STICState-Wide Terrorism Intelligence Center
STICSystem Technology Integration Center
STICSynthetic Target Injection Check
STICShort-Term, Innovative Concept (US Army)