Acronym | Definition |
TRAM | Tools for Radio Access Management |
TRAM | Transverse Rectus Abdominis Myocutaneous (muscle) |
TRAM | Translocation across the Membrane |
TRAM | Texas Research Administrators Group |
TRAM | Tractor, Rubber-tired, Articulated steering, Multi-purpose |
TRAM | Transit Risk Assessment Methodology (emergency management) |
TRAM | Tree-Based Reliable Multicast Protocol (data transfer support) |
TRAM | Target Recognition & Attack Multisensor |
TRAM | Transmission Security |
TRAM | Trademark Reporting and Monitoring |
TRAM | The Rest Are Mine (cards) |
TRAM | That Really Amuses Me |
TRAM | Transputer Random Access Memory (module) |
TRAM | Test Reliability and Maintainability |
TRAM | Temporary Refuge and Accommodation Module |
TRAM | Technology and Risk Assessment Meeting |
TRAM | Test, Reliability & Maintainability |
TRAM | Transient Multiplexer |