Acronym | Definition |
AFP | Agence France-Presse (French press agency) |
AFP | Alpha Fetoprotein (hepatitis B test) |
AFP | Association for Financial Professionals |
AFP | Association of Fundraising Professionals |
AFP | Armed Forces of the Philippines |
AFP | Australian Federal Police |
AFP | Acute Flaccid Paralysis (eradicating polio) |
AFP | American Family Physician (journal) |
AFP | Adobe Flash Player (software) |
AFP | Advanced Function Presentation (IBM) |
AFP | Alpha-Fetoprotein |
AFP | Americans for Prosperity (Arlington, VA) |
AFP | American Foreign Policy (various locations) |
AFP | Advanced Function Printing |
AFP | American Free Press (newspaper) |
AFP | Agriculture and Food Production (industry sector) |
AFP | Avian Flu Pandemic |
AFP | American Forest Products (various locations) |
AFP | Advanced Functional Programming (International School) |
AFP | Agent of a Foreign Power (national security) |
AFP | Atoms for Peace (Inderscience Publishers) |
AFP | Associação Fonográfica Portuguesa (Portuguese: Portuguese Phonographic Association) |
AFP | Australia First Party (political party) |
AFP | America First Party (politics) |
AFP | Augusta Free Press (newspaper; Virginia) |
AFP | Alternative Financing and Procurement (Ontario, Canada) |
AFP | Australian Family Physician (peer-reviewed journal, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners) |
AFP | Application for Participation (various locations) |
AFP | Automatic for the People (music album) |
AFP | Adobe Flash Player |
AFP | Adobe File Share Protocol |
AFP | Advanced Function Presentation |
AFP | AppleTalk Filing Protocol |
AFP | American Fighter Pilot (TV show) |
AFP | Art for Progress (New York, NY) |
AFP | Advertiser Funded Programming (TV) |
AFP | Academic and Financial Plan (various locations) |
AFP | Asset Forfeiture Program (US DOJ) |
AFP | America's Funniest People (TV show) |
AFP | Association Française de Psychothérapie (French: French Psychotherapy Association) |
AFP | Agro Food Processing (Pakistan) |
AFP | Air Force Pamphlet |
AFP | Associate Financial Planner |
AFP | Alliance for Full Participation (developmental disabilities) |
AFP | Asia Forest Partnership (Indonesia) |
AFP | (newsgroup) |
AFP | Alliance des Forces de Progrès (Alliance of the Forces of Progress, Senegal) |
AFP | Armed Forces Police |
AFP | Air Force Program |
AFP | Automated Fiber Placement |
AFP | Air Force Plant |
AFP | Academic Forensic Pathology |
AFP | Argentine Federal Police |
AFP | Affordable Housing Program |
AFP | Association Française des Polyarthritiques |
AFP | Administradora de Fondo de Pensiones (Chile) |
AFP | Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Demokratische Politik |
AFP | Accounting/Finance Professional |
AFP | American Family Publishers |
AFP | Airspace Flow Program |
AFP | Arc Fault Protection (electrical safety; various companies) |
AFP | Automatic Frequency Planning (Cellular) |
AFP | Armed Forces Publication (US DoD) |
AFP | Automated Function Prediction |
AFP | Anti-Freeze Protein |
AFP | Automatic Fire Protection |
AFP | Association Française pour la Percussion (French: French Percussion Association) |
AFP | Approved Funding Program |
AFP | Air Force Publication (USAF) |
AFP | Alliance Française de Paris (French: French Alliance in Paris; Paris, France) |
AFP | Academic Foundations Program (Grand Rapids Community College; Grand Rapids, MI) |
AFP | Advanced Flexible Processor |
AFP | Associate Field Professional (engineering) |
AFP | Application for Payment |
AFP | Association of Forensic Physicians (UK) |
AFP | Award Fee Plan |
AFP | Association Française de Pyrotechnie (French: French Pyrotechnics Association; est. 1986) |
AFP | Applied Fluid Power (various locations) |
AFP | Account Fund Profile |
AFP | Annual Financial Plan |
AFP | Adventure Foundation of Pakistan (Islamabad, Pakistan) |
AFP | Atypical Face Pain (medical) |
AFP | Active FoxPro Page |
AFP | Associate Fellow of Photography |
AFP | Approval for Full Production (Navy) |
AFP | Asymmetric Fabry-Perot |
AFP | Approval For Production |
AFP | Annual Funding Program |
AFP | Away From Phone |
AFP | Association of Finnish Pharmacies |
AFP | Afloat Pre-Positioning Force |
AFP | Approved Funding Plan |
AFP | Approved Financial Plan |
AFP | Auxiliary Feedwater Pump |
AFP | Adapter Function and Parametric Data Interface |
AFP | Alternative Financing Products |
AFP | Allied Fuel Publication |
AFP | Atomic Fues Potential |
AFP | All-source Fusion Platoon |
AFP | Adaptive Frequency Positioning |
AFP | Axial Front Projection |
AFP | Army Functional Proponent |
AFP | Annual Failure Percent |
AFP | Automatic Fill Program |
AFP | Annualized Failure Percent |
AFP | Advanced Financial Programming and Policies (IMF) |
AFP | Afghan Frontier Post |