Acronym | Definition |
TIN | There Is No ... |
TIN | Turn In |
TIN | Taxpayer Identification Number |
TIN | Titanium Nitride |
TIN | Tax Identification Number |
TIN | Time Is Now (Song) |
TIN | Triangulated Irregular Network |
TIN | Theater Instituut Nederland (Dutch: Netherlands Theater Institute) |
TIN | The Imperial Navy (Pardus Game) |
TIN | Tubulointerstitial Nephritis |
TIN | Tire Identification Number |
TIN | Tax Information Number |
TIN | Telecom Italia Net (Italian internet service provider) |
TIN | Texas Innocence Network (University of Houston; Houston, TX) |
TIN | Temporary Identification Number |
TIN | Trader Identification Number |
TIN | Testicular Intraepithelial Neoplasia |
TIN | Traffic Information Network |
TIN | Total Inorganic Nitrogen |
TIN | The Iris Network (various organizations) |
TIN | ThomasNet Industrial Newsroom (Internet news) |
TIN | Telecentro de Informações e Negócios (Portugese, Brasil) |
TIN | Tributary Identification Number (imports) |
TIN | Terminal Indicate Number |
TIN | Technical Interoperability Network |
TIN | Tibet International Network |
TIN | Tele-Electronic Identification Number |
TIN | Task Implementation Notice |
TIN | Tactical Intelligence Network (USFK specific) |
TIN | Tracking Information Number |
TIN | Threat Index Number |