STACShort-Term Acute Care (various locations)
STACStructured Activity Compensation
STACScientific and Technical Advisory Committee
STACService Technique de l'Aviation Civile (French: Civil Aviation Technical Service)
STACSpatiotemporal Asset Catalog (geospatial specification)
STACSaint Thomas Aquinas College
STACSouthern Tier Athletic Conference
STACSectional Tournaments At Clubs (bridge game)
STACScience Technology and Culture
STACSirtuin-Activating Compound (oncology)
STACStudent Theatre Arts Complex (University of Michigan)
STACSteam Turbine Assisted Cogeneration
STACStudent Television Arts Company (Herricks High School, New Hyde Park, NY)
STACSIGINT Training Advisory Committee
STACSAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS Centre (Nepal)
STACShanghai Tourism Administrative Committee
STACSpecialized Transportation Association of Colorado
STACStop The Act Coalition
STACStudents Toward an Accessible Campus
STACSindicato de Trabajadores de Aeronautica Civil (Spanish: Union of Civil Aviation Workers; Guatemala)
STACSubmarine Tactical Acoustic Communication
STACSubmarine/Surface Tactical Air Controller
STACSociété Transformation Amortisseurs Course (French racing shocks company)
STACSociété de Transports de l'Agglomération Chambérienne (French: Society of Chambéry Community Transportation; Chambéry, France)