Acronym | Definition |
VCP | VMware Certified Professional |
VCP | VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Control Panel |
VCP | Verband Christlicher Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder (German Scouts) |
VCP | Voluntary Cleanup Program |
VCP | Video Cassette Player |
VCP | Voluntary Correction Program (IRS) |
VCP | Vitrified Clay Pipe |
VCP | Vios Club Philippines (Toyota Vios) |
VCP | Visual Calendar Planner |
VCP | Veritas Certified Professional |
VCP | Visual C++ |
VCP | Variable Camshaft Phasing |
VCP | Virtual Control Program |
VCP | Vario Cam Plus |
VCP | Visual Call Pick-up |
VCP | Vietnamese Communist Party |
VCP | Victim Compensation Program |
VCP | Vehicle Check Point |
VCP | Vienna Capital Partners (Vienna, Austria) |
VCP | Virtual Control Panel |
VCP | Vista Codec Package (software) |
VCP | Victorian College of Pharmacy (Australia) |
VCP | Variable Cost Productivity |
VCP | Voice Communication Package (software) |
VCP | Viral Coat Protein (gene) |
VCP | Virtual Communication Port (Windows driver) |
VCP | Division Vice Captain |
VCP | Visual Comfort Probability (interior lighting) |
VCP | Variable Compensation Program (various companies) |
VCP | Victims of Crime Program (State of California) |
VCP | Village Concept Project |
VCP | Vehicle Control Program (US Air Force) |
VCP | Virtual Community Platform |
VCP | Volume Coverage Patterns |
VCP | Voluntary Cooperation Programme (meteorology) |
VCP | Value Chain Portfolio (MatrixOne) |
VCP | Video Co-Processor |
VCP | Verenigde Communistische Partij (Dutch political party) |
VCP | Photographic Composite Squadron (US Navy aviation unit designation used from 1959 to 1961) |
VCP | Vector Control Processor |
VCP | Virtual Channel Processor |
VCP | Vertical Clay Pipe |
VCP | Vehicle Collecting Point |
VCP | Vector Coprocessor |
VCP | Vice Division Captain |
VCP | Vendor Current Promise (Sprint) |
VCP | Vertical Control Point |
VCP | Variable and Constant Perturbation |
VCP | Voice Content Provider (voice portal content provider) |
VCP | Viracopo Airport, Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil (Airport Code) |
VCP | Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Communications Processor |
VCP | Virtual Circuit Profile (Nortel) |
VCP | Voluntary Contribution Premium (insurance) |