Acronym | Definition |
TEA | Texas Education Agency |
TEA | Taxed Enough Already (tea party; political activism) |
TEA | Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century |
TEA | Triethanolamine |
TEA | Tennessee Education Association (Nashville, TN) |
TEA | Themed Entertainment Association |
TEA | Tertiary Education Act (Botswana) |
TEA | Triethylamine |
TEA | Temporary Employment Agency (various locations) |
TEA | Techno-Economic Analysis |
TEA | The Education Alliance (various organizations) |
TEA | Trade Expansion Act |
TEA | Tetraethylammonium |
TEA | The Employers' Association (various locations) |
TEA | Tokyo Electron America, Inc. (Austin, TX) |
TEA | Tiny Encryption Algorithm (developed by David Wheeler and Roger Needham at the Computer Laboratory of Cambridge University) |
TEA | Test of English for Aviation (language proficiency; UK) |
TEA | Total Entrepreneurial Activity (index) |
TEA | Terminal Electron Acceptor (cellular respiration) |
TEA | Tiny Encryption Algorithm |
TEA | The Esplanade Association (est. 2001; Boston, MA) |
TEA | Tensile Energy Absorption |
TEA | Teachers Experiencing Antarctica and the Arctic |
TEA | Technical Excellence Award (various organizations) |
TEA | Twin Engine Aircraft |
TEA | Transportation Enhancement Activities (Canada) |
TEA | Thromboendarterectomy |
TEA | Toronto Environmental Alliance |
TEA | Targeted Employment Area |
TEA | Transitional Employment Assistance (State of Arkansas) |
TEA | Transportation Engineering Agency |
TEA | Temperate East Asia |
TEA | Trace Element Analysis |
TEA | The Erythromelalgia Association (Wallingford, PA) |
TEA | Tactical Espionage Action (game) |
TEA | Torque Equilibrium Attitude |
TEA | Triethyl Aluminum |
TEA | Television Equipment Associates (Brewster, NY) |
TEA | Treasury Enforcement Agent |
TEA | Tidy Enforcement Agency (gaming clan) |
TEA | The Electronic Alveary (word search program) |
TEA | Training Effectiveness Analysis |
TEA | Tomen Electronics America (California) |
TEA | Technology for Enabling Awareness |
TEA | Toronto Entomologists' Association |
TEA | Travel Expenses Accounting |
TEA | Transferred Episcopal Arrangements |
TEA | Terminal Education Age |
TEA | Training Employment Advice Shop |
TEA | Technical Exchange Agreement |
TEA | Texas Electronics Association, LLC (Fort Worth, TX) |
TEA | Teatro Estudio Aramiz (Spanish: Aramiz Studio Theater) |
TEA | Tank Excavation Assessment (chemical storage) |
TEA | Transversely Excited Atmosphere |
TEA | Timing Error Avoidance |
TEA | Technology Exchange Agreement |
TEA | Transportability Engineering Analysis |
TEA | Technical Engineering Authority |
TEA | Tactical Engineering & Analysis, Inc. |
TEA | Targeted Enforcement Area (police warning radar) |
TEA | Twinsburg Education Association (Twinsburg, Ohio) |
TEA | Tirupur Exports Association (India) |
TEA | Transient Effect Area |
TEA | Ten Eyck Associates |
TEA | Technicien en Entretien d'Aéronefs |
TEA | Telephone Extension Alert |
TEA | Transportation Engineering Agreement |
TEA | Ticket Entry Automation |
TEA | Truth Empowerment Accountability (politics) |