AIGAddressee Indicator Group (US DoD)
AIGAmerican International Group, Inc
AIGAnswers in Genesis (religious group in defense of Scripture)
AIGArtificial Intelligence Group
AIGAustralian Industry Group
AIGAsian Indoor Games (est. 2005)
AIGAssistant Inspector General
AIGApprenticeship Incentive Grant (Canada)
AIGAnthrax Immune Globulin (antitoxin)
AIGAcademically and Intellectually Gifted
AIGAdditional Inspector General (Nepal and Pakistan)
AIGAlternative Investments Group
AIGAdvertising Information Group (Brussels, Belgium)
AIGAquilini Investment Group (Canada)
AIGAddress Indicator Group
AIGAssociation Internationale de Géodésie (French: International Association of Geodesy)
AIGAddress Indicating Group
AIGAir Intelligence Group
AIGArbeitsgemeinschaft für Informationsverarbeitung in Gynäkologie Und Geburtshilfe
AIGApollo Invest Group
AIGAirbus Industries Group
AIGAssociation Internationale de Gérontologie (International Association of Gerontology)
AIGAddress Information Group
AIGArmy Initiatives Group
AIGAssistant Instructor in Gunnery (Canadian and British Military)
AIGAdvanced Instrumentation Group
AIGAcquisition Improvement Group
AIGAntitrust and Indemnity Group
AIGAging Interest Group (various universities)
AIGAuthentication Implementation Guide
AIGAtomic Interactive Group, LLC (Dayton, OH)
AIGAddressee Identification Group
AIGAin't I Great
AIGAsociación de Industriales de Guatemala (Association of Industrialists of Guatemala 1929-34)
AIGArchitecture Integration Group
AIGAmplifier Interface Group
AIGAssociation Intercommunale du Gourma (French: Intercommunal Gourma Association)