Acronym | Definition |
ULC | Up (Stage) Left Center |
ULC | Urban Libraries Council (Evanston, IL) |
ULC | Universal Life Church |
ULC | University Language Centre (UK) |
ULC | Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada |
ULC | User Language Compiler |
ULC | Understeer Logic Control |
ULC | Uppercase and Lowercase |
ULC | Ultra Light Client |
ULC | Ultra Low Cost (cellular phone) |
ULC | Unit Labour Cost |
ULC | Upper Lateral Cartilage (anatomy) |
ULC | Union Luxembourgeoise des Consommateurs (French: Luxembourg Union of Consumers; consumer protection group) |
ULC | Upper-Left Corner (computer graphics) |
ULC | Unlimited Liability Corporation |
ULC | Unión Liberal Cubana (Cuban politics) |
ULC | Unstable Limit Cycle |
ULC | University Learning Centre (various schools) |
ULC | Ultrasonic Level Controller (various companies) |
ULC | Urban Land Ceiling Act (India) |
ULC | Underlying Carrier (telecommunications) |
ULC | Unpressurized Logistics Carrier |
ULC | University Leadership Council |
ULC | Urzad Lotnictwa Cywilnego (Polish: Civil Aviation Authority; Warsaw, Poland) |
ULC | Unconfirmed Letter of Credit |
ULC | Unified Level-Aware Caching (computing) |
ULC | Unit Level Computer |
ULC | Unit Level Code |
ULC | Universal Line Card (communications/networking) |
ULC | Utah Labor Commission |
ULC | Unit Ledger Card |
ULC | Universal Labor Council |
ULC | Universal Land Construction Company |
ULC | Utah's Learning Channel (TV station) |
ULC | Universidad Liceo Cervantino (Mexico) |
ULC | Up-Link Communications |
ULC | Universal Line Controller |