Acronym | Definition |
TEM | Transmission Electron Microscope |
TEM | Transmission Electron Microscopy |
TEM | Telecom Expense Management |
TEM | Työ-Ja Elinkeinoministeriön (Finnish: Labor and Industries Ministry) |
TEM | Technology for Emerging Markets |
TEM | Transverse Electromagnetic |
TEM | Test Emulator Module |
TEM | Telecommunication Equipment Manufacturer |
TEM | Turbo Editor Macro |
TEM | Trap Enable Mask |
TEM | Template File |
TEM | Trap Enable Modes |
TEM | Telefonica Moviles (Spain, Mobile Phone Operator) |
TEM | Tivoli Endpoint Manager (IBM Corp.) |
TEM | Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery |
TEM | Taukay Edizioni Musicali (Italian: Taukay Musical Editions) |
TEM | Transient Electromagnetic |
TEM | Terrestrial Ecosystem Model |
TEM | Threat and Error Management (aviation safety) |
TEM | Transverse Electromagnetic Mode |
TEM | Trial-and-Error Method |
TEM | Test for English Majors |
TEM | Transactions on Engineering Management (journal; IEEE) |
TEM | Trans-European Motorway |
TEM | Trans European Motorway |
TEM | Time Exceeded Message (computing) |
TEM | Thermal Energy Machining (deburring machine) |
TEM | Technical Exchange Meeting |
TEM | Technical Error of Measurement |
TEM | Telecom Equipment Manufacturer |
TEM | Tunneling Electron Microscopy |
TEM | The Extensions Mirror (software) |
TEM | Triethylene Melamine |
TEM | Trusted Enterprise Manager (Master Design) |
TEM | Target Exploration and Mining (Wyoming) |
TEM | Technical Evaluation Meeting |
TEM | Tohoku Electric Manufacturing (Tokyo, Japan) |
TEM | Total Environmental Management Ltd. (UK) |
TEM | Texas Certified Emergency Manager |
TEM | Texas Episodic Model |
TEM | Terrain Evaluation Module |
TEM | Tanaka Electronics Malaysia (various locations) |
TEM | Travaux Electriques du Midi (French: Midi Electric Works; France) |
TEM | Total Environmental Management, Inc. (Anaheim, CA) |
TEM | Target Engagement Message |
TEM | Thermoelectric Electromagnetic |
TEM | Traffic Engineering Module (Nextone) |
TEM | Temiskaming and Northern Idaho Railroad (aka T&NI) |
TEM | Transmission Electronique Mécanique (French: Transmission Electronics Mechanics; France) |
TEM | Technology Exchange Meeting |
TEM | Technical Evaluation Management |
TEM | Test Evaluation Matrix |
TEM | Test Efficiency Metric |
TEM | Training Equipment Monitor (name of person who monitors the equipment used for training) |
TEM | Time Elapse Meter |
TEM | Turbine Engine Manufacturing Company (Iran) |
TEM | Test Equipment Matrix |