TEMTransmission Electron Microscope
TEMTransmission Electron Microscopy
TEMTelecom Expense Management
TEMTyö-Ja Elinkeinoministeriön (Finnish: Labor and Industries Ministry)
TEMTechnology for Emerging Markets
TEMTransverse Electromagnetic
TEMTest Emulator Module
TEMTelecommunication Equipment Manufacturer
TEMTurbo Editor Macro
TEMTrap Enable Mask
TEMTemplate File
TEMTrap Enable Modes
TEMTelefonica Moviles (Spain, Mobile Phone Operator)
TEMTivoli Endpoint Manager (IBM Corp.)
TEMTransanal Endoscopic Microsurgery
TEMTaukay Edizioni Musicali (Italian: Taukay Musical Editions)
TEMTransient Electromagnetic
TEMTerrestrial Ecosystem Model
TEMThreat and Error Management (aviation safety)
TEMTransverse Electromagnetic Mode
TEMTrial-and-Error Method
TEMTest for English Majors
TEMTransactions on Engineering Management (journal; IEEE)
TEMTrans-European Motorway
TEMTrans European Motorway
TEMTime Exceeded Message (computing)
TEMThermal Energy Machining (deburring machine)
TEMTechnical Exchange Meeting
TEMTechnical Error of Measurement
TEMTelecom Equipment Manufacturer
TEMTunneling Electron Microscopy
TEMThe Extensions Mirror (software)
TEMTriethylene Melamine
TEMTrusted Enterprise Manager (Master Design)
TEMTarget Exploration and Mining (Wyoming)
TEMTechnical Evaluation Meeting
TEMTohoku Electric Manufacturing (Tokyo, Japan)
TEMTotal Environmental Management Ltd. (UK)
TEMTexas Certified Emergency Manager
TEMTexas Episodic Model
TEMTerrain Evaluation Module
TEMTanaka Electronics Malaysia (various locations)
TEMTravaux Electriques du Midi (French: Midi Electric Works; France)
TEMTotal Environmental Management, Inc. (Anaheim, CA)
TEMTarget Engagement Message
TEMThermoelectric Electromagnetic
TEMTraffic Engineering Module (Nextone)
TEMTemiskaming and Northern Idaho Railroad (aka T&NI)
TEMTransmission Electronique Mécanique (French: Transmission Electronics Mechanics; France)
TEMTechnology Exchange Meeting
TEMTechnical Evaluation Management
TEMTest Evaluation Matrix
TEMTest Efficiency Metric
TEMTraining Equipment Monitor (name of person who monitors the equipment used for training)
TEMTime Elapse Meter
TEMTurbine Engine Manufacturing Company (Iran)
TEMTest Equipment Matrix