SPODSea Port of Debarkation
SPODSingle Point of Data
SPODSpinning Pizza of Death (wait cursor in Mac OS X)
SPODSignature Proof of Delivery (shipping)
SPODSingle Point of Definition (computer programming)
SPODSingle Point of Development
SPODStun Palm of Doom (Virtual Fighter game)
SPODSole Purpose, Obtain a Degree
SPODSpinning Pinwheel of Death (computers)
SPODSuborbital Projects and Operations Directorate (NASA)
SPODSurface Port of Debarkation
SPODSafety Petty Officer of the Day
SPODSingle Point of Departure
SPODSunrise Photo of the Day (blog)
SPODSpecial Projects and Operations Department
SPODSelective Population of Dressed States
SPODSingle Point of Delivery (database operations)