Acronym | Definition |
SPOD | Sea Port of Debarkation |
SPOD | Single Point of Data |
SPOD | Spinning Pizza of Death (wait cursor in Mac OS X) |
SPOD | Signature Proof of Delivery (shipping) |
SPOD | Single Point of Definition (computer programming) |
SPOD | Single Point of Development |
SPOD | Stun Palm of Doom (Virtual Fighter game) |
SPOD | Sole Purpose, Obtain a Degree |
SPOD | Spinning Pinwheel of Death (computers) |
SPOD | Suborbital Projects and Operations Directorate (NASA) |
SPOD | Surface Port of Debarkation |
SPOD | Safety Petty Officer of the Day |
SPOD | Single Point of Departure |
SPOD | Sunrise Photo of the Day (blog) |
SPOD | Special Projects and Operations Department |
SPOD | Selective Population of Dressed States |
SPOD | Single Point of Delivery (database operations) |