Acronym | Definition |
AII | Art Institutes International (various locations) |
AII | Accredited Investors, Inc. (Edina, MN) |
AII | Angiotensin II |
AII | Analogical and Inductive Inference |
AII | Airborne Infection Isolation (public health) |
AII | American International Industries (Los Angeles, CA) |
AII | Agence de l'Innovation Industrielle (French Agency for Industrial Innovation) |
AII | Adriatic and Ionian Initiative (various locations) |
AII | Auto ID Infrastructure |
AII | Autologic Information International |
AII | Attachment Individual Identifier |
AII | Automated Invoice Interface (imports) |
AII | Automatique et Informatique Industrielle (French: Automation and Industrial Computing) |
AII | American Institute of Inspectors (Lower Lake, CA) |
AII | ASEAN Information Infrastructure |
AII | Active Input Interface (used in UNI PMD specs for Copper/Fiber) |
AII | Australian Industry Involvement |
AII | Atelier d'Image et d'Informatique (Computer graphics school, Paris, France) |
AII | Area of Intelligence Interest |
AII | Acceptance Inspection Instruction |
AII | Army Information Infrastructure |
AII | Alloys International, Inc. (Islandia, NY) |
AII | Army Intelligence Interpreter |
AII | Automated Item Identification |
AII | Automation Image, Inc. |
AII | Action-Inferring Interface |
AII | Asset Inclusion Indicator |
AII | Assured Information Infrastructure |
AII | Advanced Interactive Interfaces |