Acronym | Definition |
TRO | Temporary Restraining Order |
TRO | Trusted Root Object |
TRO | Triple Rule Out (cardiology) |
TRO | Traffic Regulation Order (UK) |
TRO | Tamil Rehabilitation Organization |
TRO | Transtrochanteric Rotational Osteotomy (surgery) |
TRO | Technical ReadOut (gaming) |
TRO | Trouts (FAO fish species code) |
TRO | Triennial Review Order (FCC) |
TRO | Tricare Regional Office (Military Health System) |
TRO | Tempel Riddare Orden (Swedish: Order of the Knights Templar) |
TRO | Training and Readiness Oversight (US DoD) |
TRO | Transitional Recovery Office (FEMA) |
TRO | Therapeutic Recreation Ontario |
TRO | Tax Refund Offset |
TRO | Trip Reduction Ordinance |
TRO | Total Retirement Outsourcing |
TRO | Total, Relaxed Organization |
TRO | Transportation Officer |
TRO | Tax Recovery Officer (India) |
TRO | Thyroid-Related Orbitopathy (ophthalmology) |
TRO | Truck Route Order |
TRO | Test Requirement Outline |
TRO | Thomas Register Online |
TRO | Technical Reviewing Office |
TRO | Tailored Readiness Options |
TRO | Target Response Objective |
TRO | Threat Reduction Operations |
TRO | Toro Peak, California (earthquake reporting station) |
TRO | The Refined Obligation (band) |
TRO | Team Rallye Ouest (French automobile racing association) |