TROTemporary Restraining Order
TROTrusted Root Object
TROTriple Rule Out (cardiology)
TROTraffic Regulation Order (UK)
TROTamil Rehabilitation Organization
TROTranstrochanteric Rotational Osteotomy (surgery)
TROTechnical ReadOut (gaming)
TROTrouts (FAO fish species code)
TROTriennial Review Order (FCC)
TROTricare Regional Office (Military Health System)
TROTempel Riddare Orden (Swedish: Order of the Knights Templar)
TROTraining and Readiness Oversight (US DoD)
TROTransitional Recovery Office (FEMA)
TROTherapeutic Recreation Ontario
TROTax Refund Offset
TROTrip Reduction Ordinance
TROTotal Retirement Outsourcing
TROTotal, Relaxed Organization
TROTransportation Officer
TROTax Recovery Officer (India)
TROThyroid-Related Orbitopathy (ophthalmology)
TROTruck Route Order
TROTest Requirement Outline
TROThomas Register Online
TROTechnical Reviewing Office
TROTailored Readiness Options
TROTarget Response Objective
TROThreat Reduction Operations
TROToro Peak, California (earthquake reporting station)
TROThe Refined Obligation (band)
TROTeam Rallye Ouest (French automobile racing association)