TOSTeacher Over Shoulder (chat)
TOSTerms Of Service
TOSTemporarily Out of Stock
TOSThe Original Series (Star Trek)
TOSThe Other Side
TOSType Of Service
TOSTales of Symphonia (video game)
TOSThe Operating System
TOSThe Opposite Sex
TOSThoracic Outlet Syndrome
TOSTown of Salem (gaming)
TOSTales of Suspense (comic)
TOSToshiba Corporation (stock symbol; Japan)
TOSTalend Open Studio (software)
TOSTerminal Operating System
TOSThe Obesity Society (est. 1982; Silver Spring, MD)
TOSThe Old Schoolhouse (magazine)
TOSTerminate on Sight (G-Unit album)
TOSTemple of Set
TOSTemporarily Out of Service
TOSThe Objective Standard
TOSTennessee Ornithological Society (est. 1915)
TOSTop of the Stack
TOSTape Operating System
TOSthe Other Service
TOSTape on Substrate
TOSTesting Operation System
TOSTechnical and Office Systems
TOSTemporary Out of Service
TOSTaligent Object Services
TOSthe Other Spammers
TOSTop of Stack
TOSTiny Operating System
TOSTransactions on Storage
TOSThe Oceanography Society
TOSTechnical Operations Specialist (various companies)
TOSTrial of Scar (obstetrics)
TOSTerminate on Site
TOSTactical Operations System
TOSTheosophical Order of Service (est. 1908)
TOSTactical Operations Support (US TSWG)
TOSTerminal Operation System
TOSTime of Sale
TOSTitle of Show (musical)
TOSTask Order Solicitation (engineering; Los Angeles, CA)
TOSTreatment Outcome Score (healthcare)
TOSTramiel Operating System (Atari ST/TT operating system)
TOSTime On Station
TOSTrusted Operating System
TOSTransfer Orbit Stage
TOSTechnician on Site
TOSTape Operating System (IBM)
TOSThe Organic Standard (journal)
TOSTip of the Spear
TOSTechniques, Ouvriers et de Service (French: Technical and Service Workers)
TOSTop of Steel
TOSTaken on Strength
TOSTraffic Operations System
TOSTop Of Slab (concrete)
TOSTransfer of Sovereignty (Baghdad, Iraq)
TOSTrucial Oman Scouts (Unite Arab Emirates)
TOSTime on Stream
TOSTender of Service
TOSTromso, Norway - Tromso/Langes (Airport Code)
TOSTotal Outstanding Shares (Canada)
TOSType Of Shipment
TOSTennessee Orthopaedic Society
TOSTaux d'Onde Stationnaire (French: Standing Wave Ratio)
TOSTime Of Search
TOSTraining Objective Statement
TOSTunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains (French: Tunnels and Underground Structures; journal)
TOSTactical Operations Squadron (USAF)
TOSTactical Oceanographic Summary
TOSTeller Operations Specialist (banks)
TOSTerminal Oriented System
TOSTurbine Overspeed (aero engines)
TOSTone Operated Squelch (two-way radio)
TOSTactical Operator Station
TOSTerminal Oriented Software
TOSTesting Operations System
TOSTop of Shelf
TOSTrack on Search
TOSTransition Operational State
TOSTransparent Optical Switch
TOSTransmission Optimization System
TOSTIROS (Television Infrared Observation Satellite) Operational Satellite (US NOAA)
TOSTake-Off-Structure (electric substation structure)