STAGService Tag
STAGScottish Transport Appraisal Guidance
STAGState and Tribal Assistance Grants
STAGSentry Duty
STAGSteam and Gas (GE's combined cycle power generation equipment)
STAGSouth Tyneside and Gateshead (UK)
STAGSecurity Techniques Advisory Group
STAGShobnall Traffic Action Group (UK)
STAGSaber Tanker Aerial Group (aircraft refueling)
STAGStrategic and Technical Advisory Group (WHO)
STAGSpecial Task Air Group (US Navy)
STAGSystems Technical Advisory Group (CMS)
STAGSmart Tactical Autonomous Guidance
STAGSociety of Travel Agents in Government
STAGSustainable Tourism Action Group (UK)
STAGSpecial Tactics Airsoft Group (various locations)
STAGState and Tribal Assistance Grant Programs