Acronym | Definition |
VC | Venture Capital(ist) |
VC | Viet Cong |
VC | Victor Charlie (military phonetic reference to Viet Cong) |
VC | Virtual Console (Nintendo WII) |
VC | Vatican City |
VC | Victoria Cross |
VC | Virtual Circuit |
VC | Visual C++ (Microsoft) |
VC | Vice City (Grand Theft Auto game series) |
VC | Vice-Chancellor |
VC | Vercelli (Piemonte, Italy) |
VC | Virtual Connection |
VC | Very Cute |
VC | Vacuum Cleaner |
VC | Very Cool |
VC | Vince Carter (basketball player) |
VC | Video Conference |
VC | Victoria College (Alexandria, Egypt) |
VC | Video Camera |
VC | Video Card |
VC | Vice Chair |
VC | Ventura County (California) |
VC | Vanessa Carlton (singer) |
VC | Vicious Circle |
VC | Virtual Channel |
VC | Vegas Casino |
VC | Videoconferencing |
VC | Video Compression |
VC | Visitor Center (National Park Service) |
VC | Van Cleef (The Deadmines, World of Warcraft Dungeon) |
VC | Vancouver Canucks (hockey) |
VC | St. Vincent and the Grenadines (ISO country code) |
VC | Vena Cava |
VC | Vibration Compensation (Tamron) |
VC | Vector Calculus |
VC | Virtual Concatenation |
VC | Virtual Container (SDH) |
VC | Visual Communication(s) |
VC | Violent Crime |
VC | Video Channel |
VC | Variable Cost |
VC | Vertically Challenged (PC term for short) :-) |
VC | Vicinity (aviation, meteorology) |
VC | Virtual Call |
VC | Vehicle Control |
VC | Vassar College (Boston, Massachusetts) |
VC | Via Campesina (International Peasant Movement) |
VC | Vinyl Chloride |
VC | Vital Capacity |
VC | Vereinigung Cockpit (German pilot union) |
VC | Vice-Consul |
VC | Ventura College (Ventura, CA) |
VC | Vanilla Coke |
VC | Virtual Classroom |
VC | Violoncello (Cello in Music Scores) |
VC | Virtual Community |
VC | Veterinary Corps |
VC | Vice Chief |
VC | Vanier College |
VC | Voluntary Controlled (UK school status) |
VC | Voice Coil |
VC | Vice Commodore |
VC | Value City (department store) |
VC | Vector Coding |
VC | Valley Culture (Aboriginal community group, Australia) |
VC | Fleet Composite Squadron (US Navy) |
VC | Vancouver College |
VC | Variable Contrast (photographic imaging materials) |
VC | Vagabond Crew (band) |
VC | VoiceCon |
VC | Volunteer Center (various locations) |
VC | Varsity College (Gold Coast, Australia) |
VC | Vertical Curve |
VC | Video Control |
VC | VanCleef (gaming, World of Warcraft) |
VC | Visual Cortex |
VC | VisiCalc |
VC | Bureau of Verification and Compliance (US State Department) |
VC | Voltage Converter |
VC | Victoria Court (hotel; Philippines) |
VC | Villa Clara (postcode, Cuba) |
VC | Vertical Cutter |
VC | Variable Contract |
VC | Vedic City (Iowa) |
VC | Voice Channel |
VC | Verification Component |
VC | Navy Composite Squadron (US Navy aviation unit designation used from 1920s to 1950s) |
VC | Vector Count |
VC | Virtual Component |
VC | Vomiting Centre (anatomy) |
VC | Veterinary Committee |
VC | Visually Clean (cleanliness standard) |
VC | Valor Communications |
VC | Virtual Corporation |
VC | Violent Conduct (soccer) |
VC | Voice Circuit |
VC | Ventilating Contractor |
VC | Virtual Cop (arcade games) |
VC | Velocity Counter |
VC | Design Cruising Speed |
VC | Volume-to-Capacity ratio |
VC | Vienna Conference |
VC | Voluntary Closing |
VC | Vintage Cellars (various locations) |
VC | Viscous Criterion (sports medicine) |
VC | Vacant Code |
VC | Composite Aircraft Squadron (US Navy) |
VC | Viticulture Consortium |
VC | Verification & Certification |
VC | Volks Computer |
VC | Verbal Cue |
VC | Vortex Combustor |
VC | Virginia Central Railway |
VC | Variable Combo (gaming) |
VC | Knots Calibrated Airspeed |
VC | Colored Vision |
VC | Vocabulary Cartoons |
VC | Voice Compressor |
VC | Cruising Velocity |
VC | VIP Carrier (military aircraft designation) |
VC | Vector Correlator |
VC | Verifiable Choice |
VC | Vaporizer Concentrate |
VC | Navy Cargo/Replenishment Squadron |
VC | Victoir Conglomeret |