Acronym | Definition |
VCA | Voltaje de Corriente Alterna (Spanish: AC Voltage) |
VCA | Victorian College of the Arts (Australia) |
VCA | Viper Club of America (automobile organization) |
VCA | Voltage Controlled Amplifier |
VCA | Vehicle Certification Agency (UK) |
VCA | Video Content Analysis |
VCA | Voltage Controlled Attenuator |
VCA | Virginia Counselors Association (Forest, Virginia) |
VCA | Virtual Communications Address |
VCA | Virtual Can Api |
VCA | Vehicle Certification Agency |
VCA | Veiligheids Checklist Aannemers (Dutch: Safety Certificate for Contractors) |
VCA | Veterinary Centers of America (various locations) |
VCA | Value Creation Automation (Schaumburg, IL and Bangalore, India) |
VCA | Visual Compute Accelerator (Intel) |
VCA | Vision Council of America (Washington, DC, USA) |
VCA | Value Chain Analysis |
VCA | Vanished Children's Alliance (San Jose, California) |
VCA | Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies) |
VCA | Veteran Corps of Artillery (historical military corps in New York City) |
VCA | Verification of Corrective Action |
VCA | Valley Christian Academy (New Mexico) |
VCA | Visualization and Computer Animation |
VCA | Voluntary Corrective Action |
VCA | Varying Channel Assignment |
VCA | Virtual Computing Appliance (NVIDIA) |
VCA | Veritas Christian Academy (various locations) |
VCA | Virtual Context Architecture |
VCA | Vanadium Corporation of America |
VCA | Virtualization Consolidation Academy (Austria) |
VCA | Virtual Channel Access |
VCA | Voice Connecting Arrangement |
VCA | Virtual Continental Airlines |
VCA | Vancouver Cultural Alliance |
VCA | Vacant Code Announcement |
VCA | Voice Communications Adapter |
VCA | Violent Criminal Actor (law enforcement) |
VCA | Viral Caspid Antigen |
VCA | Visual Contact Approach (aviation) |
VCA | Volunteers for Children Act of 1998 (aka the Foley Bill) |
VCA | Voice Channel Assignment |
VCA | Voluntary Cleanup Action |
VCA | Video Clamp Amplifier (similar to Vision Distribution Amplifier, but includes clamp circuits to maintain blanking level in the TV signal) |
VCA | Viscerally Compressed Amplitude |
VCA | Vélo Club Ablis (French: Cycling Club Ablis; Ablis, France) |
VCA | Viscosity-Controlled Acid |