SPOTSystème Pour l'Observation de la Terre (French remote sensing satellite)
SPOTSatellite Personal Tracker
SPOTSatellite Positioning and Tracking
SPOTSmart Personal Objects Technology
SPOTShared Product Object Tree
SPOTSynchronized Pre-Deployment and Operational Tracker (bar-code system used to track travel/movement of US DoD contractors)
SPOTSmart Personal Object Technology (Microsoft)
SPOTSingle Point of Truth
SPOTScreening of Passengers by Observation Techniques
SPOTSatellite Probatoire d'Observation de la Terre
SPOTSensor Placement Optimization Tool (drinking water research)
SPOTSynchronized Predeployment and Operational Tracker (US Department of Defense program for tracking deployed contractors)
SPOTSpecial Purpose Operational Training (airlines)
SPOTSingle Payment Options Trading (securities)
SPOTSequential Proxy Optimization Technique
SPOTSecondary-Location Point of Termination
SPOTSociedad Puertorriqueña de Ortopedia y Traumatología
SPOTSearching Peak of Tension (polygraph testing)
SPOTStupid Previous Owner Trick (automotive)
SPOTSensor Placement Orientation Tool
SPOTSimply Protecting Our Tots
SPOTSpace Station Proximity Operations Trainer
SPOTSpeed Position and Track
SPOTSprint Procurement Online Tool
SPOTSignaling Point of Termination
SPOTStrategic Programs of Technology (Sprint)
SPOTSwiss Professional Officer Training Course