ACHAutomated Clearing House
ACHArkansas Children's Hospital (Little Rock, AR)
ACHAir Changes per Hour (ventilation)
ACHAssociation for Computers and the Humanities
ACHAdult Care Home
ACHAnything Can Happen (various meanings)
ACHAnalysis of Competing Hypotheses (intelligence analysis)
ACHAll Children's Hospital (St. Petersburg, FL)
ACHAuthentic Custom Homes
ACHAccess Feedback Channel
ACHAuckland City Hospital (New Zealand)
ACHAluminium Chlorohydrate (salts)
ACHAutomotive Components Holdings (various locations)
ACHAdvanced Combat Helmet
ACHAcute Care Hospital (various locations)
ACHAccess Channel
ACHAcademic Credit Hours
ACHAllen County Hospital (Iola, KS)
ACHArmy Community Hospital
ACHAircraft Hangar (USAF bare base deployable aircraft shelter)
ACHAngeles Crest Highway (California SR2)
ACHAssociation of Children's Hospices (UK)
ACHArea Combined Headquarters
ACHArmada de Chile (Spanish: Chilean Navy)
ACHA Concentrated High (coagulant)
ACHAdrenal Cortical Hormone
ACHAlice Cook House (Cornell University; New York)
ACHAmerican College of Heraldry
ACHAutomated Charge
ACHAttempts per Circuit per Hour
ACHAssociation Coopération Humanitaire (French: Humanitarian Cooperation Association; est. 1992)
ACHAgent Charge (freight forwarding)
ACHAmerican Clearinghouse
ACHAbove Counter Height (construction blueprints)
ACHAssault Craft Helmet (Gentex)
ACHAntenna Selection Reference Signal Channel
ACHAdler-Coppersmith-Hasner (algorithm)
ACHACCS Common Hardware
ACHAverage Call Handle (time; call center metric)
ACHAlpha-Cellulose Hydrolysis