TNDTunisian Dinar (Currency of Tunisia)
TNDThe Needle Drop (music channel)
TNDTraditional Neighborhood Development
TNDTwisted Nematic Display
TNDTomorrow Never Dies (James Bond Movie)
TNDTraditional Neighborhood Design
TNDTeam Nice Dynamite
TNDTeacher Next Door (US HUD)
TNDThe National Debate
TNDThe Next Design (various locations)
TNDThe Next Dimension
TNDThursday Night Drinks
TNDThat's Nice Dear
TNDThursday Night Dinner
TNDTripwire for Network Devices
TNDThermo-Nuclear Device
TNDTransient Neurological Deficit
TNDTrue Nitrogen Digestibility
TNDTraining Need Date
TNDTelecommunications Network for the Deaf (Bellcore)
TNDTransmit NLS Dither (Nortel)