TEAMTime, Energy, And Money
TEAMTogether Everyone Achieves More
TEAMTertiary Education and Management (journal; Taylor & Francis)
TEAMTelevision Event and Media Marketing
TEAMTrauma Evaluation and Management (various organizations)
TEAMThe Evangelical Alliance Mission
TEAMTogether Everyone Accomplishes More
TEAMTransportation Electronic Award Management (US DOT)
TEAMTotal Exposure Assessment Methodology
TEAMTechnology Early Action Measures (Canada)
TEAMTechnologies Enabling Agile Manufacturing
TEAMTogether Each Achieves More
TEAMToll Ein Anderer Macht's
TEAMTransmission Electron Aberration-Corrected Microscope (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California)
TEAMThe Exceptional Athlete Matters (World T.E.A.M. Sports)
TEAMThe Naval Aviation Systems Team
TEAMThe Environmental Assessment and Management (Guide)
TEAMTheoretical & Applied Mechanics
TEAMThe Electronic Auction Market (Canadian online cattle marketplace)
TEAMTogether Everyone Achieves Miracles
TEAMTrain, Endure, Achieve, Matter (Leukemia & Lymphoma Society)
TEAMTesi Environmental Awareness Movement (Tibetan environmental NGO)
TEAMTotal Enterprise Access Mobility (wireless communications)
TEAMTechnology, Automation, & Management
TEAMTotal Exposure Assessment Model
TEAMTools for Electronic Application Management
TEAMTesting, Empathy, Agenda Setting, Methods (psychology)
TEAMTimber Exporters' Association of Malaysia
TEAMTele-Education And Medicine
TEAMTogether Everyone Achives More
TEAMTotal Estimation and Allocation Mechanism
TEAMThreat Engagement Analysis Model
TEAMTraffic Engineering Automation Manager
TEAMTechnically Evaluated Advisory Materials
TEAMT1-Carrier Error Accumulating Module
TEAMTop European Advertising Media
TEAMTechnical Enhancement and Architectural Modernizaton (Sprint)
TEAMTask Execution Acknowledgement Message
TEAMTechnology Exchange Assessment Methodology
TEAMTechnology-based Enhanced Autonomous Machines
TEAMTraining, Education, Assessment, and Management
TEAMTraining to Enhance Aircraft Maintenance
TEAMTotal Employee Assistance and Management, Inc.
TEAMTest, Evaluation, Analysis & Modeling