TIPTheory Into Practice
TIPTransportation Improvement Program
TIPTrouble in Paradise (Iomega testing)
TIPTreatment Improvement Protocol (medicine)
TIPTalent Identification Program
TIPTogether in Partnership
TIPTheatre in the Park (various locations)
TIPTripoli (airport code)
TIPTesting in Production (software methodology)
TIPTechnology Integration Plan
TIPTipple (mining industry)
TIPThe Insurance Professionals
TIPThe Infinity Project
TIPTeachers' Insurance Plan (New Jersey)
TIPTypes in Programming (workshop)
TIPTechnology and Innovation Policy (various organizations)
TIPTDMA (Time Division Muliplex Access) Interface Processor
TIPTransportation Improvement Plan (various locations)
TIPTechnology India Pvt. Ltd.
TIPTelepresence Interoperability Protocol (Cisco)
TIPTotally Integrated Power
TIPTemporary Import Permit (various locatins)
TIPTax Incentive Program (various locations)
TIPTuition Installment Plan (various schools)
TIPTotal Immersion Program (various organizations)
TIPThe Iowa Program (est. 1985)
TIPTrunk Instance Port
TIPTetra Interoperability Profile
TIPTransaction Internet Protocol
TIPto Insure Performance
TIPTest in Progress
TIPTokyo Institute of Photography (est. 2010; Tokyo, Japan)
TIPTrauma Intervention Program (voluntary, non-profit organization assisting emotionally traumatized victims/survivors of events/crisis situations)
TIPTransaction Internet Protocol (RFC 2371)
TIPTablet Input Panel (Tablet PC)
TIPTechnical Implementation Plan (various locations)
TIPTests in Print (psychology)
TIPThe Industrial Physicist (magazine; American Institute of Physics)
TIPTransport International Pool
TIPThreat Image Projection (X-ray software)
TIPTerminal Interface Processor
TIPTechnological Institute of the Philippines
TIPCounty Tipperary, Ireland
TIPTactical Implementation Plan
TIPTrafficking in People
TIPTrent International Program
TIPTeaching Incentive Program
TIPTextile Institute of Pakistan (Karachi, Pakistan)
TIPTransfer In Progress
TIPTraining Institute Program (Lyceum of the Philippines University)
TIPTruancy Intervention Project
TIPTurkistan Islamic Party
TIPTechnology Integration Program
TIPTechnological Implementation Plan
TIPThe Industrial/Organizational Psychologist
TIPText Input Processor
TIPTeacher Intern Program (various universities)
TIPTime, Interaction and Performance (theory)
TIPTrade Information Project (various organizations)
TIPTerrorist Interdiction Program
TIPTransportation Incentive Program (to use mass transportation)
TIPTurbine Inlet Pressure
TIPTurbo Inlet Pipe
TIPTIROS Information Processor
TIPTransit Improvement Program
TIPTokyo International Players
TIPTyner Resources Ltd (stock symbol)
TIPTemporary Instruction Permit (Michigan driver's license)
TIPTranslation-Inhibitory Protein
TIPThe Innovation Partnership (intellectual property consultancy firm; Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
TIPTéléphonie IP (French: IP Telephony)
TIPTop Industry Practice (award)
TIPTechnology Incubation Program
TIPTiny Ionospheric Photometer
TIPTreasury Investment Program (Federal Reserve term)
TIPTheater Injection Point
TIPThana Irrigation Project (Bangladesh)
TIPThe Integrity Profile
TIPTechnical Information Processing
TIPThreat Image Protection
TIPTropical Moored Buoy Implementation Panel (NOAA)
TIPTechnical Information Package
TIPTechnology Investment Program
TIPTAO Implementation Panel (CLIVAR, GCOS, GOOS)
TIPTcl Improvement Proposal
TIPTraining Investment Program (Florida)
TIPTime Interval Processor (US NASA)
TIPTurn in Poachers, Inc.
TIPTechnology Investment Plan
TIPTerminal Integration Process (credit cards)
TIPTransition to Independent Positions
TIPTotal Information Processing
TIPTerminal Interface Message Processor
TIPTarget Intelligence Package
TIPTraversing Incore Probe (nuclear reactors)
TIPTen-Inch Playa (Rapper)
TIPTraining Implementation Plan
TIPThrift-Incentive Plan
TIPTransport and Internetworking Package
TIPTeacher Innovation Program
TIPTurkiye Isci Partisi (Workers' Party of Turkey)
TIPTechnical Improvement Program
TIPTrack Initiation Processor
TIPTemporary Investment Pool
TIPTechnology Inflow Program (Canada)
TIPTerminal Interface Program
TIPTrajectory Impact Prediction (satellite tracking)
TIPTraining Input Plan
TIPTransition Implementation Plan
TIPTechnical Improvement Plan
TIPTreaty Implementation Plan
TIPTotal Ionizables Present
TIPTrue Intersection Point (mechanical drawings)
TIPTourism Industry Identification Program (Tourism Industry Association of Canada)
TIPTactical Intelligence Program
TIPTotal Information Provider Project (IEEE Computer Society)
TIPTarget Input Programme (Malawi)
TIPTransaction Interface Processing
TIPTerminal Internet Protocol
TIPTent Interface Panel
TIPThrust Inlet Pressure
TIPTACSIM Interface Program
TIPTerminal Indicate Personal Identifier
TIPTactical Injection Point
TIPTransportation Inspection Point
TIPTactical Integration Plan
TIPTracking Impact Prediction
TIPTraining for Innovation Programme (University of Strathclyde, UK)
TIPTelephone Industries of Pakistan Ltd.
TIPTransition & Integration Plan
TIPTilted Payload
TIPTarget Identification Point
TIPTrainer Improvement Program
TIPTelecommunications Improvement Program
TIPTracker Illuminator Process
TIPTool Improvement Program (US Army)
TIPTactics Improvement Proposal
TIPTACSIM Interface Processor
TIPTechnical Insertion Program
TIPTechnology Insertion Plan/Project
TIPTechnical Individual Program
TIPTailored Instruction Program
TIPTarget Illuminator Processor
TIPTrade Index of Pakistan
TIPTestability Improvement Potential
TIPTactical Interface Point
TIPTrack Illuminator Processor
TIPTorpedo Intercept Point (US Navy)
TIPTri-Service Improvement Program
TIPTechnology Initiative Proposal
TIPTrack and Interface Processor
TIPTelnet Interconnect Protocol
TIPThermal Impulse Printer
TIPTeam Improvement Program/Plan
TIPTrue Involute Pitch
TIPTACAMO Improvement Program
TIPTake It to the People (Vermont)
TIPTechnician Induced Problem