Acronym | Definition |
TIPS | Terrorism Information and Prevention System (Operation TIPS; operated by U.S. Department of Justice) |
TIPS | Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (financial term) |
TIPS | Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt (also seen as TIPSS) |
TIPS | Training in Interpersonal Skills |
TIPS | Trends in Pharmacological Sciences (journal) |
TIPS | Truevision Image Paint System |
TIPS | Tarif Interministeriel des Prestations Sanitaires (French: Interministerial Price of Sanitary Services) |
TIPS | Transatlantic Industrial Proposed Solution (NATO) |
TIPS | Theory of Inventive Problem Solving |
TIPS | Tax Information Phone Service (Canada) |
TIPS | Teens In Public Service (Seattle, WA) |
TIPS | Teachers Involve Parents in Schoolwork |
TIPS | Technology in Primary Schools |
TIPS | Training for Intervention Procedures by Servers of Alcohol (restaurants/bars alcohol abuse prevention) |
TIPS | ThermoEnergy Integrated Power System |
TIPS | Tennessee Infant Parent Services (Memphis, TN) |
TIPS | The International Preparatory School (Cleveland, OH) |
TIPS | Teaching Improvement Project System |
TIPS | Torrens Island Power Station (South Australia) |
TIPS | Turkish Institute for Police Studies (Denton, TX) |
TIPS | Tobacco Information and Prevention Sourcepage (US CDC) |
TIPS | Technical Information Processing System |
TIPS | Threat Image Projection System (aviation security) |
TIPS | Temporary Interior Protection System |
TIPS | Transportation Incentive Program System |
TIPS | Tactical Optical Surveillance System (TOSS) Imagery Processing System (US DoD) |
TIPS | Tennessee Improving Patient Safety |
TIPS | Trends, Issues, and Problems |
TIPS | Thinking Inquiry and Problem Solving (Ontario secondary school curriculum) |
TIPS | Threatened Indigenous Peoples Society (India) |
TIPS | Thermal Impulse Printer System |
TIPS | TAF Interactive Production System (EUMETNET) |
TIPS | Thermal Image Processing System (mobile infrared data collection and analysis facility) |
TIPS | Telemetry Integrated Processing System (Western Spacelift Range) |
TIPS | TAVOP (Total Asset Visibility Operational Prototype) Intransit Processing Station |
TIPS | Text Information Processing System |
TIPS | Tactical Intelligence Processing System |
TIPS | Tactical Information Processing System |
TIPS | Telephone Information Processing System |
TIPS | Transportation Improvement Program System |
TIPS | To Insure Proper Services |
TIPS | Thailand-Indonesia-Philippines-Singapore |
TIPS | Theater Integrated Planning System |
TIPS | Tactical Infrared Projection System |
TIPS | Thought Information Plan Solution (solving math problems) |
TIPS | Tummy Time, Infant equipment, Positioning, Start day one (preventing flat head in infants) |
TIPS | Traffic Information Planning System (Illinois State Police for Radio Codes; Incident Disposition) |
TIPS | Tactical Intelligence Product Server (ASAS) |
TIPS | Telescope and Instrument Performance Summary Meeting |
TIPS | Tactical Intelligence Programming System |
TIPS | Tactical Imagery Processing Set |
TIPS | Tactical Imagery Processing Subsystem |
TIPS | Transportation Information Processing System |
TIPS | Typhoon Information Processing System |
TIPS | Talk, Inform, Predictable, Sensitivity (mnemonic for leadership traits) |
TIPS | Technology, Intelligence, Products, Services |
TIPS | Truvision Image Processing Software |
TIPS | Tourist Information Phone Service |
TIPS | Taxpayer Information Publications Service |
TIPS | Transferable Intermolecular Potential Function(s) |
TIPS | Telephone Information Professional Services (Peter Pan Bus Lines) |
TIPS | Telemetry Information Processing System |
TIPS | Telecommunications Information Processing System |
TIPS | Training Information Planning Support |
TIPS | Transition Issues and Procedures |
TIPS | Tailored Implementation & Planning Service |
TIPS | TAV (Total Asset Visibility) ITV (Intransit Visibility) Processing Station |
TIPS | Training Information Profile Status |
TIPS | Tort and Trial Insurance Practice Section (law) |
TIPS | Targeted Invasive Plant Solutions (British Columbia, Canada) |